syncheck:  find-source-object
syncheck:  add-text-type
syncheck:  add-background-color
syncheck:  add-require-open-menu
syncheck:  add-docs-menu
syncheck:  add-id-set
syncheck:  add-arrow
syncheck:  add-arrow/  name-dup
syncheck:  add-arrow/  name-dup/  pxpy
syncheck:  add-tail-arrow
syncheck:  add-mouse-over-status
syncheck:  add-prefixed-require-reference
syncheck:  add-unused-require
syncheck:  add-jump-to-definition
syncheck:  add-definition-target
syncheck:  color-range
syncheck:  add-rename-menu
syncheck:  find-source-object
syncheck:  add-text-type
syncheck:  add-background-color
syncheck:  add-require-open-menu
syncheck:  add-docs-menu
syncheck:  add-rename-menu
syncheck:  add-arrow
syncheck:  add-arrow/  name-dup
syncheck:  add-arrow/  name-dup/  pxpy
syncheck:  add-tail-arrow
syncheck:  add-mouse-over-status
syncheck:  add-jump-to-definition
syncheck:  add-id-set
syncheck:  color-range
syncheck:  add-prefixed-require-reference
syncheck:  add-unused-require

1 Accessing Check Syntax Programmatically

 (require drracket/check-syntax)
  package: drracket-tool-lib


(show-content file-or-stx)  (listof vector?)

  file-or-stx : 
(or/c path-string?
      (and/c syntax?
             (λ (x) (path-string? (syntax-source x)))))
This procedure composes the other pieces of this library together in a way that can be used for REPL-style experimentation with the results from Check Syntax, as shown in the example below. The list it returns has one vector for each call that would be made to the object in current-annotations. Each vector’s first element is a symbol naming a method in syncheck-annotations<%> and the other elements of the vector are the arguments passed to the method.

This doesn’t work as well for use in a real tool, however, because it doesn’t account for the callback procedures present in syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy and syncheck:add-id-set and the resulting vectors are probably less convenient to work with than direct method calls for most uses of this library. Nevertheless, it gives a quick feel for the results that can come back from Check Syntax.

See annotations-mixin for some example code to use the other parts of this library.

Note that the paths in the example below have been replaced via make-paths-be-module-paths in order to make the results be platform independent.

> (define (make-paths-be-module-paths x)
    (let loop ([x x])
        [(pair? x) (cons (loop (car x)) (loop (cdr x)))]
        [(vector? x) (for/vector ([x (in-vector x)])
                       (loop x))]
        [(path? x) (path->relative-string/library x)]
        [else x])))
> (let ([example-module
         '(module m racket (λ (x) x))])
       (build-path (current-directory) "dummy-file.rkt")
       (open-input-string (format "~s" example-module))))))

'(#(syncheck:add-require-open-menu 10 16 "<collects>/racket/main.rkt")

  #(syncheck:add-tail-arrow 17 25)

  #(syncheck:add-text-type 1 7 document-identifier)





    "View documentation for “module” from racket/base, racket"


    (form ('#%kernel module))















  #(syncheck:add-text-type 19 20 document-identifier)





    "View documentation for “λ” from racket/base, racket"


    (form ((lib "racket/private/base.rkt") λ))








  #(syncheck:add-mouse-over-status 19 20 "imported from “racket”")














  #(syncheck:add-text-type 19 20 document-identifier)





    "View documentation for “λ” from racket/base, racket"


    (form ((lib "racket/private/base.rkt") λ))








  #(syncheck:add-mouse-over-status 19 20 "imported from “racket”")














  #(syncheck:add-mouse-over-status 10 16 "1 bound occurrence")

  #(syncheck:add-mouse-over-status 22 23 "1 bound occurrence"))


(make-traversal namespace path)  
(->* (syntax?)
     ((-> any/c void?))
(-> void?)
  namespace : namespace?
  path : (or/c #f path-string?)
This function creates some local state about a traversal of syntax objects and returns two functions. The first one should be called with each of the (fully expanded) syntax objects that make up a program (there will be only one if the program is a module) and then the second one should be called to indicate there are no more.

The optional argument to the first function is ignored. It is left there for historical reasons. In the past it was called for each sequence of binding identifiers encountered in define-values, define-syntaxes, and define-values-for-syntax.

During the dynamic extent of the call to the two result functions, the value of the current-annotations parameter is consulted and various methods are invoked in the corresponding object (if any), to indicate what has been found in the syntax object. These methods will only be called if the syntax objects have source locations.

The methods of the value of this parameter are invoked by the functions returned from make-traversal.



  (or/c +inf.0 (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)))
(current-max-to-send-at-once m)  void?
  m : (or/c +inf.0 (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)))
No longer used.

Classes implementing this interface are acceptors of information about a traversal of syntax objects. See make-traversal.
Do not implement this interface directly, as it is liable to change without warning. Instead, use the annotations-mixin and override the methods you’re interested in. The annotations-mixin will keep in sync with this interface, providing methods that ignore their arguments.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:find-source-object stx)

  (or/c #f (not/c #f))
  stx : syntax?
This should return #f if the source of this syntax object is uninteresting for annotations (if, for example, the only interesting annotations are those in the original file and this is a syntax object introduced by a macro and thus has a source location from some other file).

Otherwise, it should return some (non-#f) value that will then be passed to one of the other methods below as a source-obj argument.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-text-type 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  text-type : 
(or/c 'matching-identifiers
Called to indicate that the color associated with the text type text-type should be drawn on the background of the given range in the editor, when the mouse moves over it.

This method is usually called by Check Syntax to add background colors to an identifier based on its lexical information. The types 'matching-identifiers, 'unused-identifier and 'document-identifier correspond to the color 'drracket:syncheck:matching-identifiers, 'drracket:syncheck:unused-identifier and 'drracket:syncheck:document-identifier in color scheme specifications, respectively. See Color Schemes.

添加于package drracket-tool-lib的1.8版本。


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-background-color 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  color : string?
Called to indicate that the color color should be drawn on the background of the given range in the editor, when the mouse moves over it.

This method is not directly called by Check Syntax anymore. Instead see syncheck:add-text-type.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-require-open-menu 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  file : path-string?
Called to indicate that there is a require at the location from start to end, and that it corresponds to file. Check Syntax adds a popup menu.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-docs-menu 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  id : symbol?
  label : any/c
  definition-tag : definition-tag?
  path : any/c
  tag : any/c
Called to indicate that there is something that has documentation between the range start and end. The documented identifier’s name is given by id and the docs are found in the html file path at the html tag tag. The definition-tag argument matches the documented definition. The label argument describes the binding for use in the menu item (although it may be longer than 200 characters).


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-id-set 
  all-ids : 
(listof (list/c (not/c #f)
  new-name-interferes? : (-> symbol boolean?)
This method is no longer called by Check Syntax. It is here for backwards compatibility only. The information it provided must now be synthesized from the information supplied to syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-arrow 
  start-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  start-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  end-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  actual? : boolean?
  phase-level : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f)
This function is not called directly anymore by Check Syntax. Instead syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy is.

This method is invoked by the default implementation of syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup in annotations-mixin.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup 
  start-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  start-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  end-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  actual? : boolean?
  phase-level : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f)
  require-arrow? : boolean?
  name-dup? : (-> string? boolean?)
This function is not called directly anymore by Check Syntax. Instead syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy is.

The default implementation of syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy discards the start-px start-py end-px end-py arguments and calls this method.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy 
  start-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  start-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  start-px : (real-in 0 1)
  start-py : (real-in 0 1)
  end-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  end-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end-px : (real-in 0 1)
  end-py : (real-in 0 1)
  actual? : boolean?
  phase-level : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f)
  require-arrow : (or/c boolean? 'module-lang-require)
  name-dup? : (-> string? boolean?)
Called to indicate that there should be an arrow between the locations described by the first ten arguments. The start-px and start-py indicate how far along the diagonal between the upper-left coordinate of the editor position start-left and the bottom-right of the editor position start-right to draw the foot of the arrow. The end-px and end-py indicate the same things for the head of the arrow.

The phase-level argument indicates the phase of the binding and the actual? argument indicates if the binding is a real one, or a predicted one from a syntax template (predicted bindings are drawn with question marks in Check Syntax).

The require-arrow argument indicates if this arrow points from an imported identifier to its corresponding require. Any true value means that it points to an import via require; #t means it was a normal require and 'module-lang-require means it comes from the implicit require that a module language provides.

The name-dup? predicate returns #t in case that this variable (either the start or end), when replaced with the given string, would shadow some other binding (or otherwise interfere with the binding structure of the program at the time the program was expanded).

修改于package drracket-tool-lib的1.1版本:Changed require-arrow to sometimes be 'module-lang-require.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-tail-arrow 
  from-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  from-pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  to-source-obj : (not/c #f)
  to-pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Called to indicate that there are two expressions, beginning at from-pos and to-pos that are in tail position with respect to each other.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-mouse-over-status 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  pos-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  pos-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  str : string?
Called to indicate that the message in str should be shown when the mouse passes over the given position.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-prefixed-require-reference 
  req-src : (not/c #f)
  req-pos-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  req-pos-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  prefix : symbol?
  prefix-src : any/c
  prefix-left : (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?)
  prefix-right : (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?)
This method is called for each require in the program that has a prefix or prefix-all-except around it in fully expanded form (i.e., it seems to come from a prefix-in or a similar form).

The method is passed the location of the require in the original program, as well as the prefix (as a symbol) and the source locations of the prefix (if they are available).


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-unused-require 
  req-src : (not/c #f)
  req-pos-left : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  req-pos-right : exact-nonnegative-integer?
This method is called for each require that Check Syntax determines to be unused. The method is passed the location of the name of the required module in the original program.


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-jump-to-definition 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  id : any/c
  filename : path-string?
  submods : (listof symbol?)
Called to indicate that there is some identifier at the given location (named id) that is defined in the submods of the file filename (where an empty list in submods means that the identifier is defined at the top-level module).


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-definition-target 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  finish : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  style-name : any/c


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:color-range source-obj 
  source-obj : (not/c #f)
  start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  finish : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  style-name : any/c
  mode : any/c
Called to indicate that the given location should be colored according to the style style-name when in mode. The mode either indicates regular check syntax or is used indicate blame for potential contract violations (and still experimental).


(send a-syncheck-annotations syncheck:add-rename-menu 
  id : symbol?
  all-ids : 
(listof (list/c (not/c #f)
  new-name-interferes? : (-> symbol boolean?)
This method is listed only for backwards compatibility. It is not called by Check Syntax anymore.


annotations-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)

  result implements: syncheck-annotations<%>
Supplies all of the methods in syncheck-annotations<%> with default behavior. Be sure to use this mixin to future-proof your code and then override the methods you’re interested in.

By default:

Here is an example showing how use this library to extract all of the arrows that Check Syntax would draw from various expressions. One subtle point: arrows are only included when the corresponding identifiers are syntax-original?; the code below manages this by copying the properties from an identifier that is syntax-original? in the call to datum->syntax.
> (define arrows-collector%
    (class (annotations-mixin object%)
      (define/override (syncheck:find-source-object stx)
      (define/override (syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy
                        start-source-obj start-left start-right start-px start-py
                        end-source-obj end-left end-right end-px end-py
                        actual? phase-level require-arrow? name-dup?)
        (set! arrows
              (cons (list start-source-obj end-source-obj)
      (define arrows '())
      (define/public (get-collected-arrows) arrows)))
> (define (arrows form)
    (define base-namespace (make-base-namespace))
    (define-values (add-syntax done)
      (make-traversal base-namespace #f))
    (define collector (new arrows-collector%))
    (parameterize ([current-annotations collector]
                   [current-namespace base-namespace])
      (add-syntax (expand form))
    (send collector get-collected-arrows))
> (define (make-id name pos orig?)
     (list #f #f #f pos (string-length (symbol->string name)))
     (and orig? #'is-orig)))
> (arrows `(λ (,(make-id 'x 1 #t)) ,(make-id 'x 2 #t)))

'((#<syntax x> #<syntax x>))

> (arrows `(λ (x) x))


> (arrows `(λ (,(make-id 'x 1 #f)) ,(make-id 'x 2 #t)))


> (arrows `(λ (,(make-id 'x 1 #t)) x))


Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.
Bound to an identifier created with define-local-member-name that is used in syncheck-annotations<%>.