| ||
(send an-alignment get-parent) → (is-a?/c alignment-parent<%>)
The parent of the alignment in the tree.
(send an-alignment set-min-sizes) → void?
Tells the alignment that its sizes should be calculated.
(send an-alignment align x-offset y-offset width height) → void? x-offset : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) y-offset : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) width : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) height : (and/c real? (not/c negative?))
Tells itself to align its children on the pasteboard
in the given rectangle defined by width, height and a top
left corner point given as offsets into the pasteboards top
left corner.
The minimum width this alignment must be.
The minimum height this alignment must be.
(send an-alignment stretchable-width) → boolean?
(send an-alignment stretchable-width value) → void? value : boolean?
Gets/sets the property of stretchability in the x dimension.
(send an-alignment stretchable-height) → boolean?
(send an-alignment stretchable-height value) → void? value : boolean?
Gets/sets the property of stretchability in the y dimension.
Tells the alignment to show or hide its children.
Tells the alignment that its show state is the given value
and it should show or hide its children accordingly.