5 zip File Extraction
(require file/unzip) | package: base |
(unzip in [ entry-reader #:preserve-timestamps? preserve-timestamps? #:utc-timestamps? utc-timestamps?]) → void? in : (or/c path-string? input-port?)
entry-reader :
(if preserve-timestamps? (bytes? boolean? input-port? (or/c #f exact-integer?) . -> . any) (bytes? boolean? input-port? . -> . any)) = (make-filesystem-entry-reader) preserve-timestamps? : any/c = #f utc-timestamps? : any/c = #f
For each entry in the archive, the entry-reader procedure is called with three or four arguments: the byte string representing the entry name, a boolean flag indicating whether the entry represents a directory, an input port containing the inflated contents of the entry, and (if preserve-timestamps?) #f or a timestamp for a file. The default entry-reader unpacks entries to the filesystem; call make-filesystem-entry-reader to configure aspects of the unpacking, such as the destination directory.
Normally, zip archives record modification dates in local time, but if utc-timestamps? is true, then the time in the archive is interpreted as UTC.
修改于package base的6.0.0.3版本:Added the #:preserve-timestamps? argument.
修改于6.0.1.12版本:Added the #:utc-timestamps? argument.
(call-with-unzip in proc) → any
in : (or/c path-string? input-port?) proc : (-> path-string? any)
添加于package base的6.0.1.6版本。
(make-filesystem-entry-reader [ #:dest dest-path #:strip-count strip-count #:permissive? permissive? #:exists exists])
((bytes? boolean? input-port?) ((or/c #f exact-integer?)) . ->* . any) dest-path : (or/c path-string? #f) = #f strip-count : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 0 permissive? : any/c = #f
exists :
(or/c 'skip 'error 'replace 'truncate 'truncate/replace 'append 'update 'can-update 'must-truncate) = 'error
If dest-path is not #f, every path in the archive is prefixed to determine the destination path of the extracted entry.
If strip-count is positive, then strip-count path elements are removed from the entry path from the archive (before prefixing the path with dest-path); if the item’s path contains strip-count elements, then it is not extracted.
Unless permissive? is true, then entries with paths containing an up-directory indicator are disallowed, and a link entry whose target is an absolute path or contains an up-directory indicator is also disallowed. Absolute paths are always disallowed. A disallowed path triggers an exception.
If exists is 'skip and the file for an entry already exists, then the entry is skipped. Otherwise, exists is passed on to open-output-file for writing the entry’s inflated content.
修改于package base的6.0.0.3版本:Added support for the optional timestamp argument in the result function.
修改于6.3版本:Added the #:permissive? argument.
(read-zip-directory in) → zip-directory?
in : (or/c path-string? input-port?)
This procedure performs limited I/O: it reads the list of entries from the zip file, but it does not inflate any of their contents.
(zip-directory? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
(zip-directory-entries zipdir) → (listof bytes?)
zipdir : zip-directory?
(zip-directory-contains? zipdir name) → boolean?
zipdir : zip-directory? name : (or/c bytes? path-string?)
Directory entries match with or without trailing slashes.
(zip-directory-includes-directory? zipdir name) → boolean? zipdir : zip-directory? name : (or/c bytes? path-string?)
(unzip-entry in zipdir entry [ entry-reader #:preserve-timestamps? preserve-timestamps? #:utc-timestamps? utc-timestamps?]) → void? in : (or/c path-string? input-port?) zipdir : zip-directory? entry : (or/c bytes? path-string?)
entry-reader :
(if preserve-timestamps? (bytes? boolean? input-port? (or/c #f exact-integer?) . -> . any) (bytes? boolean? input-port? . -> . any)) = (make-filesystem-entry-reader) preserve-timestamps? : any/c = #f utc-timestamps? : any/c = #f
The entry parameter is a byte string whose name must be found in the zip file’s central directory. If entry is not a byte string, it is converted using path->zip-path.
The read-entry argument is used to read the contents of the zip entry in the same way as for unzip.
If entry is not in zipdir, an exn:fail:unzip:no-such-entry exception is raised.
修改于package base的6.0.0.3版本:Added the #:preserve-timestamps? argument.
修改于6.0.1.12版本:Added the #:utc-timestamps? argument.
(call-with-unzip-entry in entry proc) → any
in : (or/c path-string? input-port?) entry : path-string? proc : (-> path-string? any)
添加于package base的6.0.1.6版本。
(path->zip-path path) → bytes?
path : path-string?
(struct exn:fail:unzip:no-such-entry exn:fail (entry) #:extra-constructor-name make-exn:fail:unzip:no-such-entry) entry : bytes?