_  file/  guard
_  file/  r
_  file/  rw

5.18 File Security-Guard Checks

 (require ffi/file) package: base


(security-guard-check-file who path perms)  void?

  who : symbol?
  path : path-string?
  perms : (listof (or/c 'read 'write 'execute 'delete 'exists))
Checks whether (current-security-guard) permits access to the file specified by path with the permissions perms. See make-security-guard for more information on perms.

The symbol who should be the name of the function on whose behalf the security check is performed; it is passed to the security guard to use in access-denied errors.


(_file/guard perms [who])  ctype?

  perms : (listof (or/c 'read 'write 'execute 'delete 'exists))
  who : symbol? = '_file/guard
Like _file and _path, but conversion from Racket to C first completes the path using path->complete-path then cleanses it using cleanse-path, then checks that the current security guard grants access on the resulting complete path with perms. As an output value, identical to _path.

Equivalent to (_file/guard '(read) '_file/r) and (_file/guard '(read write) '_file/rw), respectively.


(security-guard-check-file-link who    
  dest)  void?
  who : symbol?
  path : path-string?
  dest : path-string?
Checks whether (current-security-guard) permits link creation of path as a link dest. The symbol who is the same as for security-guard-check-file.

添加于package base的6.9.0.5版本。


(security-guard-check-network who    
  mode)  void?
  who : symbol?
  host : string?
  port : (integer-in 1 65535)
  mode : (or/c 'client 'server)
Checks whether (current-security-guard) permits network accesst at host and port in server or client mode as specified by mode. The symbol who is the same as for security-guard-check-file.

添加于package base的6.9.0.5版本。