5.1 Cooperating with 3m
5.1.1 Tagged Objects
5.1.2 Local Pointers
5.1.3 Local Pointers and raco ctool --xform
5.1.4 Guiding raco ctool --xform
5.1.5 Places and Garbage Collector Instances
5.2 Memory Functions

5 Memory Allocation

Racket uses both malloc and allocation functions provided by a garbage collector. Foreign-function and embedding/extension C code may use either allocation method, keeping in mind that pointers to garbage-collectable blocks in malloced memory are invisible (i.e., such pointers will not prevent the block from being garbage-collected).

Racket CGC uses a conservative garbage collector. This garbage collector normally only recognizes pointers to the beginning of allocated objects. Thus, a pointer into the middle of a GC-allocated string will normally not keep the string from being collected. The exception to this rule is that pointers saved on the stack or in registers may point to the middle of a collectable object. Thus, it is safe to loop over an array by incrementing a local pointer variable.

Racket 3m uses a precise garbage collector that moves objects during collection, in which case the C code must be instrumented to expose local pointer bindings to the collector, and to provide tracing procedures for (tagged) records containing pointers. This instrumentation is described further in Cooperating with 3m.

The basic collector allocation functions are:

If a Racket extension stores Racket pointers in a global or static variable, then that variable must be registered with scheme_register_extension_global; this makes the pointer visible to the garbage collector. Registered variables need not contain a collectable pointer at all times (even with 3m, but the variable must contain some pointer, possibly uncollectable, at all times). Beware that static or global variables that are not thread-specific (in the OS sense of “thread”) generally do not work with multiple places.

Registration is needed for the global and static variables of an embedding program on most platforms, and registration is needed on all platforms if the program calls scheme_main_setup or scheme_set_stack_base with a non-zero first or second (respectively) argument. Global and static variables containing collectable pointers must be registered with scheme_register_static. The MZ_REGISTER_STATIC macro takes any variable name and registers it with scheme_register_static. The scheme_register_static function can be safely called even when it’s not needed, but it must not be called multiple times for a single memory address. When using scheme_set_stack_base and when places are enabled, then scheme_register_static or MZ_REGISTER_STATIC normally should be used only after scheme_basic_env, since scheme_basic_env changes the allocation space as explained in Places and Garbage Collector Instances.

Collectable memory can be temporarily locked from collection by using the reference-counting function scheme_dont_gc_ptr. On 3m, such locking does not prevent the object from being moved.

Garbage collection can occur during any call into Racket or its allocator, on anytime that Racket has control, except during functions that are documented otherwise. The predicate and accessor macros listed in Standard Types never trigger a collection.

As described in Places and Garbage Collector Instances, different places manage allocation separately. Movable memory should not be communicated from one place to another, since the source place might move the memory before it is used in the destination place. Furthermore, allocated memory that contains pointers must not be written in a place other than the one where it is allocated, due to the place-specific implementation of a write barrier for generational garbage collection. No write barrier is used for memory that is allocated by scheme_malloc_atomic_allow_interior to contain no pointers.

5.1 Cooperating with 3m

To allow 3m’s precise collector to detect and update pointers during garbage collection, all pointer values must be registered with the collector, at least during the times that a collection may occur. The content of a word registered as a pointer must contain either NULL, a pointer to the start of a collectable object, a pointer into an object allocated by scheme_malloc_allow_interior, a pointer to an object currently allocated by another memory manager (and therefore not into a block that is currently managed by the collector), or a pointer to an odd-numbered address (e.g., a Racket fixnum).

Pointers are registered in three different ways:

A pointer must never refer to the interior of an allocated object (when a garbage collection is possible), unless the object was allocated with scheme_malloc_allow_interior. For this reason, pointer arithmetic must usually be avoided, unless the variable holding the generated pointer is NULLed before a collection.

IMPORTANT: The SCHEME_SYM_VAL, SCHEME_KEYWORD_VAL, SCHEME_VEC_ELS, and SCHEME_PRIM_CLOSURE_ELS macros produce pointers into the middle of their respective objects, so the results of these macros must not be held during the time that a collection can occur. Incorrectly retaining such a pointer can lead to a crash.

5.1.1 Tagged Objects

As explained in Values and Types, the scheme_make_type function can be used to obtain a new tag for a new type of object. These new types are in relatively short supply for 3m; the maximum tag is 512, and Racket itself uses nearly 300.

After allocating a new tag in 3m (and before creating instances of the tag), a size procedure, a mark procedure, and a fixup procedure must be installed for the tag using GC_register_traversers. A type tag and its associated GC procedures apply to all places, even though specific allocated objects are confined to a particular place.

A size procedure simply takes a pointer to an object with the tag and returns its size in words (not bytes). The gcBYTES_TO_WORDS macro converts a byte count to a word count.

A mark procedure is used to trace references among objects. The procedure takes a pointer to an object, and it should apply the gcMARK macro to every pointer within the object. The mark procedure should return the same result as the size procedure.

A fixup procedure is potentially used to update references to objects that have moved, although the mark procedure may have moved objects and updated references already. The fixup procedure takes a pointer to an object, and it should apply the gcFIXUP macro to every pointer within the object. The fixup procedure should return the same result as the size procedure.

Depending on the collector’s implementation, the gcMARK and/or gcFIXUP macros may take take the address of their arguments, and the fixup procedure might not be used. For example, the collector may only use the mark procedure and not actually move the object. Or it may use mark to move objects at the same time. To dereference an object pointer during a mark or fixup procedure, use GC_resolve to convert a potentially old address to the location where the object has been moved. To dereference an object pointer during a fixup procedure, use GC_fixup_self to convert the address passed to the procedure to refer to the potentially moved object.

When allocating a tagged object in 3m, the tag must be installed immediately after the object is allocated—or, at least, before the next possible collection.

5.1.2 Local Pointers

The 3m collector needs to know the address of every local or temporary pointer within a function call at any point when a collection can be triggered. Beware that nested function calls can hide temporary pointers; for example, in

  scheme_make_pair(scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false),

                   scheme_make_pair(scheme_false, scheme_true))

the result from one scheme_make_pair call is on the stack or in a register during the other call to scheme_make_pair; this pointer must be exposed to the garbage collection and made subject to update. Simply changing the code to

  tmp = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);


                   scheme_make_pair(scheme_false, scheme_true))

does not expose all pointers, since tmp must be evaluated before the second call to scheme_make_pair. In general, the above code must be converted to the form

  tmp1 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

  tmp2 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

  scheme_make_pair(tmp1, tmp2);

and this is converted form must be instrumented to register tmp1 and tmp2. The final result might be


    Scheme_Object *tmp1 = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL, *result;



    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, tmp1);

    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(1, tmp2);



    tmp1 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

    tmp2 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

    result = scheme_make_pair(tmp1, tmp2);




    return result;


Notice that result is not registered above. The MZ_GC_UNREG macro cannot trigger a garbage collection, so the result variable is never live during a potential collection. Note also that tmp1 and tmp2 are initialized with NULL, so that they always contain a pointer whenever a collection is possible.

The MZ_GC_DECL_REG macro expands to a local-variable declaration to hold information for the garbage collector. The argument is the number of slots to provide for registration. Registering a simple pointer requires a single slot, whereas registering an array of pointers requires three slots. For example, to register a pointer tmp and an array of 10 char*s:


    Scheme_Object *tmp1 = NULL;

    char *a[10];

    int i;



    MZ_GC_ARRAY_VAR_IN_REG(0, a, 10);

    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(3, tmp1);

    /* Clear a before a potential GC: */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) a[i] = NULL;





The MZ_GC_ARRAY_VAR_IN_REG macro registers a local array given a starting slot, the array variable, and an array size. The MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG macro takes a slot and simple pointer variable. A local variable or array must not be registered multiple times.

In the above example, the first argument to MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG is 3 because the information for a uses the first three slots. Even if a is not used after the call to f, a must be registered with the collector during the entire call to f, because f presumably uses a until it returns.

The name used for a variable need not be immediate. Structure members can be supplied as well:


    struct { void *s; int v; void *t; } x = {NULL, 0, NULL};



    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, x.s);

    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, x.t);



In general, the only constraint on the second argument to MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG or MZ_GC_ARRAY_VAR_IN_REG is that & must produce the relevant address, and that address must be on the stack.

Pointer information is not actually registered with the collector until the MZ_GC_REG macro is used. The MZ_GC_UNREG macro de-registers the information. Each call to MZ_GC_REG must be balanced by one call to MZ_GC_UNREG.

Pointer information need not be initialized with MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG and MZ_GC_ARRAY_VAR_IN_REG before calling MZ_GC_REG, and the set of registered pointers can change at any time—as long as all relevant pointers are registered when a collection might occur. The following example recycles slots and completely de-registers information when no pointers are relevant. The example also illustrates how MZ_GC_UNREG is not needed when control escapes from the function, such as when scheme_signal_error escapes.


    Scheme_Object *tmp1 = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL;

    mzchar *a, *b;



    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, tmp1);

    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(1, tmp2);


    tmp1 = scheme_make_utf8_string("foo");


    tmp2 = scheme_make_utf8_string("bar");

    tmp1 = scheme_append_char_string(tmp1, tmp2);


    if (SCHEME_FALSEP(tmp1))

      scheme_signal_error("shouldn't happen!");


    a = SCHEME_CHAR_VAL(tmp1);


    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, a);


    tmp2 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_read_bignum(a, 0, 10), tmp2);




    if (SCHEME_INTP(tmp2)) {

      return 0;




    tmp1 = scheme_make_pair(scheme_read_bignum(a, 0, 8), tmp2);



    return tmp1;


A MZ_GC_DECL_REG can be used in a nested block to hold declarations for the block’s variables. In that case, the nested MZ_GC_DECL_REG must have its own MZ_GC_REG and MZ_GC_UNREG calls.


    Scheme_Object *accum = NULL;


    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, accum);



    accum = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_null);


      Scheme_Object *tmp = NULL;


      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, tmp);



      tmp = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

      accum = scheme_make_pair(tmp, accum);




    accum = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, accum);



    return accum;


Variables declared in a local block can also be registered together with variables from an enclosing block, but the local-block variable must be unregistered before it goes out of scope. The MZ_GC_NO_VAR_IN_REG macro can be used to unregister a variable or to initialize a slot as having no variable.


    Scheme_Object *accum = NULL;


    MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, accum);




    accum = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_null);


      Scheme_Object *tmp = NULL;

      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(1, tmp);


      tmp = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, scheme_false);

      accum = scheme_make_pair(tmp, accum);




    accum = scheme_make_pair(scheme_true, accum);



    return accum;


The MZ_GC_ macros all expand to nothing when MZ_PRECISE_GC is not defined, so the macros can be placed into code to be compiled for both conservative and precise collection.

The MZ_GC_REG and MZ_GC_UNREG macros must never be used in an OS thread other than Racket’s thread.

5.1.3 Local Pointers and raco ctool --xform

When raco ctool is run with the --xform flag and a source C program, it produces a C program that is instrumented in the way described in the previous section (but with a slightly different set of macros). For each input file "name.c", the transformed output is "name.3m.c".

The --xform mode for raco ctool does not change allocation calls, nor does it generate size, mark, or fixup procedures. It merely converts the code to register local pointers.

Furthermore, the --xform mode for raco ctool does not handle all of C. It’s ability to rearrange compound expressions is particularly limited, because --xform merely converts expression text heuristically instead of parsing C. A future version of the tool will correct such problems. For now, raco ctool in --xform mode attempts to provide reasonable error messages when it is unable to convert a program, but beware that it can miss cases. To an even more limited degree, --xform can work on C++ code. Inspect the output of --xform mode to ensure that your code is correctly instrumented.

Some specific limitations:

5.1.4 Guiding raco ctool --xform

The following macros can be used (with care!) to navigate --xform around code that it cannot handle:

5.1.5 Places and Garbage Collector Instances

When places are enabled, then a single process can have multiple instances of the garbage collector in the same process. Each place allocates using its own collector, and no place is allowed to hold a reference to memory that is allocated by another place. In addition, a master garbage collector instance holds values that are shared among places; different places can refer to memory that is allocated by the master garbage collector, but the master still cannot reference memory allocated by place-specific garbage collectors.

Calling scheme_main_stack_setup creates the master garbage collector, and allocation uses that collector until scheme_basic_env returns, at which point the initial place’s garbage collector is in effect. Using scheme_register_static or MZ_REGISTER_STATIC before calling scheme_basic_env registers an address that should be used to hold only values allocated before scheme_basic_env is called. More typically, scheme_register_static and MZ_REGISTER_STATIC are used only after scheme_basic_env returns. Using scheme_main_setup calls scheme_basic_env automatically, in which case there is no opportunity to use scheme_register_static or MZ_REGISTER_STATIC too early.

5.2 Memory Functions





size_t n)

Allocates n bytes of collectable memory, initially filled with zeros. In 3m, the allocated object is treated as an array of pointers.





size_t n)

Allocates n bytes of collectable memory containing no pointers visible to the garbage collector. The object is not initialized to zeros.





size_t n)

Non-3m, only. Allocates n bytes of uncollectable memory.





size_t n)

Allocates uncollectable atomic memory. This function is equivalent to malloc, except that the memory cannot be freed.





size_t num,





size_t size)

Allocates num * size bytes of memory using scheme_malloc.





size_t n)

Like scheme_malloc, but in 3m, the type tag determines how the garbage collector traverses the object; see Memory Allocation.

Like scheme_malloc, but in 3m, the object never moves, and pointers are allowed to reference the middle of the object; see Memory Allocation.

Like scheme_malloc_atomic, but in 3m, the object never moves, and pointers are allowed to reference the middle of the object; see Memory Allocation.





size_t n)

An obsolete variant of scheme_malloc, where scheme_end_stubborn_change can be called on the allocated pointer when no further changes will be made to the allocated memory. Stubborn allocation is potentially useful as a hint for generational collection, but the hint is normally ignored and unlikely to be used more in future version.

Declares the end of changes to the memory at p as allocated via scheme_malloc_stubborn.





char* str)

Copies the null-terminated string str; the copy is collectable.





char* str)

Copies the null-terminated string str; the copy will never be freed.





void *(*)(size_t) mallocf,





size_t size)

Attempts to allocate size bytes using mallocf. If the allocation fails, the exn:misc:out-of-memory exception is raised.





void* p)

Allocates memory that is not garbage-collected and that does not move (even with 3m), but whose first word contains a pointer to a collectable object. The box is initialized with p, but the value can be changed at any time. An immobile box must be explicitly freed using scheme_free_immobile_box.





void** b)

Frees an immobile box allocated with scheme_malloc_immobile_box.





intptr_t size)

Allocates non-collectable memory to hold executable machine code. Use this function instead of malloc to ensure that the allocated memory has “execute” permissions. Use scheme_free_code to free memory allocated by this function.





void* p)

Frees memory allocated with scheme_malloc_code.





void* ptr,





intptr_t size)

Registers an extension’s global variable that can contain Racket pointers (for the current place). The address of the global is given in ptr, and its size in bytes in size.

In addition to global variables, this function can be used to register any permanent memory that the collector would otherwise treat as atomic. A garbage collection can occur during the registration.





int no_auto_statics,





Scheme_Env_Main main,





int argc,





char** argv)

Initializes the GC stack base, creates the initial namespace by calling scheme_basic_env, and then calls main with the namespace, argc, and argv. (The argc and argv are just passed on to main, and are not inspected in any way.)

The Scheme_Env_Main type is defined as follows:

    typedef int (*Scheme_Env_Main)(Scheme_Env *env,

                                   int argc, char **argv);

The result of main is the result of scheme_main_setup.

If no_auto_statics is non-zero, then static variables must be explicitly registered with the garbage collector; see Memory Allocation for more information.





int no_auto_statics,





Scheme_Nested_Main main,





void* data)

A more primitive variant of scheme_main_setup that initializes the GC stack base but does not create the initial namespace (so an embedding application can perform other operations that involve garbage-collected data before creating a namespace).

The data argument is passed through to main, where the Scheme_Nested_Main type is defined as follows:

    typedef int (*Scheme_Nested_Main)(void *data);





void* stack_addr,





int no_auto_statics)

Overrides the GC’s auto-determined stack base, and/or disables the GC’s automatic traversal of global and static variables. If stack_addr is NULL, the stack base determined by the GC is used. Otherwise, it should be the “deepest” memory address on the stack where a collectable pointer might be stored. This function should be called only once, and before any other scheme_ function is called, but only with CGC and when future and places are disabled. The function never triggers a garbage collection.


    int main(int argc, char **argv) {

       int dummy;

       scheme_set_stack_base(&dummy, 0);

       real_main(argc, argv); /* calls scheme_basic_env(), etc. */


On 3m, the above code does not quite work, because stack_addr must be the beginning or end of a local-frame registration. Worse, in CGC or 3m, if real_main is declared static, the compiler may inline it and place variables containing collectable values deeper in the stack than dummy. To avoid these problems, use scheme_main_setup or scheme_main_stack_setup, instead.

The above code also may not work when future and/or places are enabled in Racket, because scheme_set_stack_base does not initialize Racket’s thread-local variables. Again, use scheme_main_setup or scheme_main_stack_setup to avoid the problem.





void* stack_addr,





void* stack_end,





int no_auto_statics)

Like scheme_set_stack_base, except for the extra stack_end argument. If stack_end is non-NULL, then it corresponds to a point of C-stack growth after which Racket should attempt to handle stack overflow. The stack_end argument should not correspond to the actual stack end, since detecting stack overflow may take a few frames, and since handling stack overflow requires a few frames.

If stack_end is NULL, then the stack end is computed automatically: the stack size assumed to be the limit reported by getrlimit on Unix and Mac OS, or it is assumed to be the stack reservation of the executable (or 1 MB if parsing the executable fails) on Windows; if this size is greater than 8 MB, then 8 MB is assumed, instead; the size is decremented by 50000 bytes (64-bit Windows: 100000 bytes) to cover a large margin of error; finally, the size is subtracted from (for stacks that grow down) or added to (for stacks that grow up) the stack base in stack_addr or the automatically computed stack base. Note that the 50000-byte margin of error is assumed to cover the difference between the actual stack start and the reported stack base, in addition to the margin needed for detecting and handling stack overflow.





void* ptr,





int tls_index)

For Windows, registers ptr as the address of a thread-local pointer variable that is declared in the main executable. The variable’s storage will be used to implement thread-local storage within the Racket run-time. See Embedding into a Program.

The tls_index argument must be 0. It is currently ignored, but a future version may use the argument to allow declaration of the thread-local variable in a dynamically linked DLL.

修改于6.3版本:Changed from available only on 32-bit Windows to available on all Windows variants.





void* ptr,





intptr_t size)

Like scheme_register_extension_global, for use in embedding applications in situations where the collector does not automatically find static variables (i.e., when scheme_set_stack_base has been called with a non-zero second argument).

The macro MZ_REGISTER_STATIC can be used directly on a static variable. It expands to a comment if statics need not be registered, and a call to scheme_register_static (with the address of the static variable) otherwise.





void** p)

Registers the pointer *p as a weak pointer; when no other (non-weak) pointers reference the same memory as *p references, then *p will be set to NULL by the garbage collector. The value in *p may change, but the pointer remains weak with respect to the value of *p at the time p was registered.

This function is not available in 3m.





void** p,





void* v)

Like scheme_weak_reference, but *p is set to NULL (regardless of its prior value) when there are no references to v.

This function is not available in 3m.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data,





fnl_proc* oldf,





void** olddata)

Registers a callback function to be invoked when the memory p would otherwise be garbage-collected, and when no “will”-like finalizers are registered for p.

The fnl_proc type is not actually defined, but it is equivalent to

  typedef void (*fnl_proc)(void *p, void *data)

The f argument is the callback function; when it is called, it will be passed the value p and the data pointer data; data can be anything — it is only passed on to the callback function. If oldf and olddata are not NULL, then *oldf and *olddata are filled with the old callback information (f and data will override this old callback).

To remove a registered finalizer, pass NULL for f and data.

Note: registering a callback not only keeps p from collection until the callback is invoked, but it also keeps data reachable until the callback is invoked.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data)

Adds a finalizer to a chain of primitive finalizers. This chain is separate from the single finalizer installed with scheme_register_finalizer; all finalizers in the chain are called immediately after a finalizer that is installed with scheme_register_finalizer.

See scheme_register_finalizer, above, for information about the arguments.

To remove an added finalizer, use scheme_subtract_finalizer.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data)

Installs a “will”-like finalizer, similar to will-register. Will-like finalizers are called one at a time, requiring the collector to prove that a value has become inaccessible again before calling the next will-like finalizer. Finalizers registered with scheme_register_finalizer or scheme_add_finalizer are not called until all will-like finalizers have been exhausted.

See scheme_register_finalizer, above, for information about the arguments.

There is currently no facility to remove a will-like finalizer.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data)

Like scheme_add_finalizer, but if the combination f and data is already registered as a (non-“will”-like) finalizer for p, it is not added a second time.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data)

Like scheme_add_scheme_finalizer, but if the combination of f and data is already registered as a “will”-like finalizer for p, it is not added a second time.





void* p,





fnl_proc f,





void* data)

Removes a finalizer that was installed with scheme_add_finalizer.

Removes all finalization (“will”-like or not) for p, including wills added in Scheme with will-register and finalizers used by custodians.





void* p)

Keeps the collectable block p from garbage collection. Use this procedure when a reference to p is be stored somewhere inaccessible to the collector. Once the reference is no longer used from the inaccessible region, de-register the lock with scheme_gc_ptr_ok. A garbage collection can occur during the registration.

This function keeps a reference count on the pointers it registers, so two calls to scheme_dont_gc_ptr for the same p should be balanced with two calls to scheme_gc_ptr_ok.





void* p)

Forces an immediate garbage-collection.

Garbage collection is enabled only when an internal counter is 0. Calling scheme_enable_garbage_collection with a false value increments the counter, and calling scheme_enable_garbage_collection with a true value decrements the counter.

When the PLTDISABLEGC environment variable is set, then racket initializes the internal counter to 1 to initially disable garbage collection.





short tag,





Size_Proc s,





Mark_Proc m,





Fixup_Proc f,





int is_const_size,





int is_atomic)

3m only. Registers a size, mark, and fixup procedure for a given type tag; see Tagged Objects for more information.

Each of the three procedures takes a pointer and returns an integer:

  typedef int (*Size_Proc)(void *obj);

  typedef int (*Mark_Proc)(void *obj);

  typedef int (*Fixup_Proc)(void *obj);

If the result of the size procedure is a constant, then pass a non-zero value for is_const_size. If the mark and fixup procedures are no-ops, then pass a non-zero value for is_atomic.





void* p)

3m only. Can be called by a size, mark, or fixup procedure that is registered with GC_register_traversers. It returns the current address of an object p that might have been moved already. This translation is necessary, for example, if the size or structure of an object depends on the content of an object it references. For example, the size of a class instance usually depends on a field count that is stored in the class. A fixup procedure should call this function on a reference before fixing it.





void* p)

3m only. Can be called by a fixup procedure that is registered with GC_register_traversers. It returns the final address of p, which must be the pointer passed to the fixup procedure. The GC_resolve function would produce the same result, but GC_fixup_self may be more efficient. For some implementations of the memory manager, the result is the same as p, either because objects are not moved or because the object is moved before it is fixed. With other implementations, an object might be moved after the fixup process, and the result is the location that the object will have after garbage collection finished.





short type,





intptr_t* shape)

Like GC_register_traversers, but using a set of predefined functions that interpret shape to traverse a value. The shape array is a sequence of commands terminated with SCHEME_GC_SHAPE_TERM, where each command has a single argument.


To improve forward compatibility, any other command is assumed to take a single argument and is ignored.

A GC-shape registration is place-specific, even though scheme_make_type creates a type tag that spans places. If a traversal is already installed for type in the current place, the old traversal specification is replaced. The scheme_register_type_gc_shape function keeps its own copy of the array shape, so the array need not be retained.






Scheme_Object* pre_desc,





Scheme_Object* post_desc)





Scheme_Object* key)

The same as unsafe-remove-collect-callbacks, removes garbage-collection callbacks installed with scheme_add_gc_callback.