make/  proc
exn:  fail:  make
2.1 Signature
2.2 Unit

2 Make from Dependencies

 (require make) package: make


(make ((target-expr (depend-expr ...)
         command-expr ...)
Expands to

 (list (list target-expr (list depend-expr ...)
             (lambda () command-expr ...))


(make/proc spec argv)  void?

  spec : 
 (cons/c (or/c path-string? (listof path-string?))
         (cons/c (listof path-string?)
                 (or/c null?
                       (list/c (-> any))))))
  argv : (or/c string? (vectorof string?) (listof string?))

Performs a make according to spec and using argv as command-line arguments selecting one or more targets.

Each element of the spec list is a target. A target element that starts with a list of strings is the same as multiple elements, one for each string. The second element of each target is a list of dependencies, and the third element (if any) of a target is the optional command thunk.

To make a target, make/proc is first called recursively on each of the target’s dependencies. If a target is not in spec and it exists as a file, then the target is considered made. If a target’s modification date is older than any of its dependencies’ modification dates, the corresponding command thunk is called. If the dependency has no command thunk then no action is taken; such a target is useful for triggering the make of other targets (i.e., the dependencies).

While running a command thunk, make/proc catches exceptions and wraps them in an exn:fail:make structure, the raises the resulting structure.}


(struct exn:fail:make exn:fail (targets orig-exn)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-exn:fail:make)
  targets : (listof path-string?)
  orig-exn : any/c
The targets field is a list of strings naming the target(s), and the orig-exn field is the original raised value.


(make-print-checking)  boolean?

(make-print-checking on?)  void?
  on? : any/c
A parameter that controls whether make/proc prints a message when making a target. The default is #t.


(make-print-dep-no-line)  boolean?

(make-print-dep-no-line on?)  void?
  on? : any/c
A parameter that controls whether make/proc prints “checking...” lines for dependencies that have no target in the given kspec. The default is #f.


(make-print-reasons)  boolean?

(make-print-reasons on?)  void?
  on? : any/c
A parameter that controls whether make/proc prints the reason that a command thunk is called. The default is #t.

2.1 Signature

 (require make/make-sig) package: make


make^ : signature

Includes all of the names provided by make.

2.2 Unit

 (require make/make-unit) package: make

make@ : unit?

A unit that imports nothing and exports make^.