
13 Path Dialog

 (require mrlib/path-dialog) package: gui-lib


path-dialog% : class?

  superclass: dialog%

The path-dialog% class implements a platform-independent file/directory dialog. The dialog is similar in functionality to the get-file, put-file, get-directory, and get-file-list procedures, but considerable extra functionality is available through the path-dialog% class.


(new path-dialog% 
    [[label label] 
    [message message] 
    [parent parent] 
    [directory directory] 
    [filename filename] 
    [put? put?] 
    [dir? dir?] 
    [existing? existing?] 
    [new? new?] 
    [multi? multi?] 
    [can-mkdir? can-mkdir?] 
    [filters filters] 
    [show-file? show-file?] 
    [show-dir? show-dir?] 
    [ok? ok?] 
    [guard guard]]) 
  (is-a?/c path-dialog%)
  label : (or/c label-string? false/c) = #f
  message : (or/c label-string? false/c) = #f
  parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) (is-a?/c dialog%) false/c)
   = #f
  directory : (or/c path-string? false/c) = #f
  filename : (or/c path-string? false/c) = #f
  put? : any/c = #f
  dir? : any/c = #f
  existing? : any/c = (not put?)
  new? : any/c = #f
  multi? : any/c = #f
  can-mkdir? : any/c = put?
  filters : 
(or/c (listof (list string? string?))
      (one-of/c #f #t))
 = #t
  show-file? : (or/c (path? . -> . any) false/c) = #f
  show-dir? : (or/c (path? . -> . any) false/c) = #f
  ok? : (or/c (path? . -> . any) false/c) = #f
  guard : (or/c (path? . -> . any) false/c) = #f
The label argument is the dialog’s title string. If label is #f, the default is based on other field values.

The message argument is a prompt message to show at the top of the dialog. If it is #f, no prompt line.

The parent argument is the parent frame or dialog, if any, for this dialog.

The directory argument specifies the dialog’s initial directory. If it is #f, the initial directory is the last directory that was used by the user (or the current directory on first use).

The filename argument provides an initial filename text, if any.

If put? is true, the dialog operates in choose-file-to-write mode (and warn the user if choosing an existing name).

If dir? is true, the dialog operates in directory-choice mode.

If existing? is true, the use must choose an existing file.

If new? is true, the user must choose a non-existant path. Providing both new? and existing? as true triggers an exception.

If multi? is true, the dialog allows selection of multiple paths.

If can-mkdir? is true, the dialog includes a button for the user to create a new directory.

The filters argument is one of:

  • (list (list filter-name filter-glob) ...) a list of pattern names (e.g., "Racket Files") and glob patterns (e.g., "*.rkt;*.scrbl"). Any list, including an empty list, enables a filter box for the user to enter glob patterns, and the given list of choices is available in a combo-box drop-down menu. Glob patterns are the usual Unix ones (see glob->regexp), and a semicolon can be used to allow multiple patterns.

  • #f no patterns and no filter input box.

  • #t use a generic "All" filter, which is "*.*" on Windows and "*" on other platforms.

The show-file? predicate is used to filter file paths that are shown in the dialog. The predicate is applied to the file name as a string while the current-directory parameter is set. This predicate is intended to be a lightweight filter for choosing which names to display.

The show-dir? predicate is similar, but for directories instead of files.

The ok? predicate is used in a similar fashion to the show-file? and show-dir? predicate, but it is used to determine whether the OK button should be enabled when a file or directory is selected (so it need not be as lightweight as the other predicates).

The guard procedure is a generic verifier for the dialog’s final result, as produced by the run method. It receives the result that is about to be returned (which can be a list in a multi-selection dialog), and can return a different value (any value) instead. If it throws an exception, an error dialog is shown, and the dialog interaction continues (so it can be used to verify results without dismissing the dialog). This procedure can also raise #<void>, in which case the dialog remains without an error message.


(send a-path-dialog run)  any/c

Shows the dialog and returns the selected result. If a guard procedure is not supplied when the dialog is created, then the result is either a path or a list of paths (and the latter only when multi? is true when the dialog is created). If a guard procedure is supplied, its result determines the result of this method.