(require mzlib/string) | package: compatibility-lib |
注意:该库已被废弃;请改用racket/base。Also see racket/string
The mzlib/string library re-exports several functions from scheme/base:
real->decimal-string regexp-quote regexp-replace-quote regexp-match* regexp-match-positions* regexp-match-peek-positions* regexp-split regexp-match-exact?
It also re-exports regexp-try-match as regexp-match/fail-without-reading.
(glob->regexp [ str hide-dots? case-sensitive? simple?]) → (or/c regexp? byte-regexp?) str : (or/c string bytes?) = ? hide-dots? : any/c = #t
case-sensitive? : any/c = (eq? (system-path-convention-type)'unix) simple? : any/c = #f
The case-sensitive? argument determines whether the resulting regexp is case-sensitive.
If simple? is true, then ranges with [...] in str are treated as literal character sequences.
(string-lowercase! str) → void?
str : (and/c string? (not/c immutable?))
(string-uppercase! str) → void?
str : (and/c string? (not/c immutable?))
(eval-string str [err-handler]) → list?
str : (or/c string? bytes?)
err-handler :
(or/c false/c (any/c . -> . any/c) (-> any/c)) = #f
#f (the default) which means that errors are not caught;
a one-argument procedure, which will be used with an exception (when an error occurs) and its result will be returned
a thunk, which will be used to produce a result.
(expr->string expr) → string?
expr : any/c
(read-from-string str [err-handler]) → any/c
str : (or/c string? bytes?)
err-handler :
(or/c false/c (any/c . -> . any/c) (-> any/c)) = #f
(read-from-string-all str [err-handler]) → list?
str : (or/c string? bytes?)
err-handler :
(or/c false/c (any/c . -> . any/c) (-> any/c)) = #f