GUI ".plt" Installer
(require setup/plt-installer) | package: drracket |
setup/plt-installer library in the setup collection
defines procedures for installing a ".plt" archive with a
GUI (using the facilities of racket/gui/base).
(run-installer filename) → void?
filename : path-string?
Run the installer on the ".plt" file
in filename and show the output in a window. This is a
composition of with-installer-window and
run-single-installer with a get-dir-proc that prompts
the user for a directory (turning off the busy cursor while the dialog
is active).
(on-installer-run) → (-> any)
(on-installer-run thunk) → void? thunk : (-> any)
A thunk that is run after a ".plt" file is installed.
(with-installer-window do-install cleanup-thunk) → void?
do-install :
(-> (or/c (is-a?/c dialog%) (is-a?/c frame%)) void?) cleanup-thunk : (-> any)
Equivalent to
(define installer-run (on-installer-run)) (parameterize ([on-terminal-run (λ () (printf "\nInstallation complete.\n") (installer-run))]) (in-terminal (λ (custodian tlw) (do-install tlw)) #:title (string-constant plt-installer-progress-window-title) #:cleanup-thunk cleanup-thunk))
(run-single-installer file get-dir-proc [ #:show-beginning-of-file? show-beginning-of-file?]) → void? file : path-string? get-dir-proc : (-> (or/c path-string? #f)) show-beginning-of-file? : any/c = #f
The same as the export from setup/plt-single-installer,
but with a GUI.
1 GUI Unpacking Signature
(require setup/plt-installer-sig) | package: drracket |
setup:plt-installer^ : signature
Provides two names: run-installer and on-installer-run.
2 GUI Unpacking Unit
(require setup/plt-installer-unit) | package: drracket |
Imports mred^ and exports setup:plt-installer^.