
6.14 API for Cross-Platform Configuration

The setup/cross-system library provides functions for querying the system properties of a destination platform, which can be different than the current platform in cross-installation modes.

A Racket installation includes a "system.rktd" file in the directory reported by (find-lib-dir). When the information in that file does not match the running Racket’s information, then the setup/cross-system module infers that Racket is being run in cross-installation mode.

For example, if an in-place Racket installation for a different platform resides at cross-dir, then

  racket -C -G cross-dir/etc -X cross-dir/collects -l- raco pkg

runs raco pkg using the current platform’s racket executable, but using the collections and other configuration information of cross-dir, as well as modifying the packages of cross-dir. That can work as long as no platform-specific libraries need to run to perform the requested raco pkg action (e.g., when installing built packages), or as long as the current platform’s installation already includes those libraries.

添加于package base的6.3版本。


(cross-system-type [mode])

  (or/c symbol? string? bytes? exact-positive-integer? vector?)
  mode : 
(or/c 'os 'word 'gc 'vm 'link 'machine
      'so-suffix 'so-mode 'fs-change)
 = 'os
Like system-type, but for the target platform instead of the current platform in cross-installation mode. When not in cross-installation mode, the results are the same as for system-type.

See also 'cross mode for system-type.


(cross-system-library-subpath [mode])  path-for-some-system?

  mode : (or/c 'cgc '3m 'cs #f) = (system-type 'gc)
Like system-library-subpath, but for the target platform instead of the current platform in cross-installation mode. When not in cross-installation mode, the results are the same as for system-library-subpath.

In cross-installation mode, the target platform may have a different path convention than the current platform, so the result is path-for-some-system? instead of path?.

Returns #t if cross-installation mode has been detected, #f otherwise.