12.9.1 Information on Expanded Modules

12.9 Expanding Top-Level Forms


(expand top-level-form)  syntax?

  top-level-form : any/c
Expands all non-primitive syntax in top-level-form, and returns a syntax object for the expanded form that contains only core forms, matching the grammar specified by Fully Expanded Programs.

Before top-level-form is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, just as for eval. Use syntax->datum to convert the returned syntax object into a printable datum.

Here’s an example of using expand on a module:

(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
   '(module foo scheme
      (define a 3)
      (+ a 4)))))

Here’s an example of using expand on a non-top-level form:

(define-namespace-anchor anchor)
(parameterize ([current-namespace
                (namespace-anchor->namespace anchor)])
   '(delay (+ 1 2)))))


(expand-syntax stx)  syntax?

  stx : syntax?
Like (expand stx), except that the argument must be a syntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.


(expand-once top-level-form)  syntax?

  top-level-form : any/c
Partially expands top-level-form and returns a syntax object for the partially-expanded expression. Due to limitations in the expansion mechanism, some context information may be lost. In particular, calling expand-once on the result may produce a result that is different from expansion via expand.

Before top-level-form is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, as for eval.


(expand-syntax-once stx)  syntax?

  stx : syntax?
Like (expand-once stx), except that the argument must be a syntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.


(expand-to-top-form top-level-form)  syntax?

  top-level-form : any/c
Partially expands top-level-form to reveal the outermost syntactic form. This partial expansion is mainly useful for detecting top-level uses of begin. Unlike the result of expand-once, expanding the result of expand-to-top-form with expand produces the same result as using expand on the original syntax.

Before stx-or-sexpr is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, as for eval.


(expand-syntax-to-top-form stx)  syntax?

  stx : syntax?
Like (expand-to-top-form stx), except that the argument must be a syntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.

12.9.1 Information on Expanded Modules

Information for an expanded module declaration is stored in a set of syntax properties (see Syntax Object Properties) attached to the syntax object: