18.4.1 Entering Modules
18.4.2 Loading and Reloading Modules

18.4 Interactive Module Loading

The racket/rerequire and racket/enter libraries provide support for loading, reloading, and using modules.

18.4.1 Entering Modules

 (require racket/enter) package: base
The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/enter and racket/init libraries, which means that they are available when the Racket executable is started with no command-line arguments. They are not provided by racket/base or racket.


(enter! module-path)

(enter! #f)
(enter! module-path flag ...+)
flag = #:quiet
  | #:verbose-reload
  | #:verbose
  | #:dont-re-require-enter
Intended for use in a REPL, such as when racket is started in interactive mode. When a module-path is provided (in the same sense as for require), the corresponding module is loaded or invoked via dynamic-rerequire, and the current namespace is changed to the body of the module via module->namespace. When #f is provided, then the current namespace is restored to the original one.

Additional flags can customize aspects of enter!:
  • The #:verbose, #:verbose-reload, and #:quiet flags correspond to 'all, 'reload, and 'none verbosity for dynamic-rerequire. The default corresponds to #:verbose-reload.

  • After switching namespaces to the designated module, enter! automatically requires racket/enter into the namespace, so that enter! can be used to switch namespaces again. In some cases, requiring racket/enter might not be desirable (e.g., in a tool that uses racket/enter); use the #:dont-re-require-enter flag to disable the require.


(dynamic-enter! mod    
  [#:verbosity verbosity    
  #:re-require-enter? re-require-enter?])  void?
  mod : (or/c module-path? #f)
  verbosity : (or/c 'all 'reload 'none) = 'reload
  re-require-enter? : any/c = #t
Procedure variant of enter!, where verbosity is passed along to dynamic-rerequire and re-require-enter? determines whether dynamic-enter! requires racket/enter in a newly entered namespace.

添加于package base的6.0.0.1版本。

18.4.2 Loading and Reloading Modules

 (require racket/rerequire) package: base
The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/rerequire library, not racket/base or racket.


(dynamic-rerequire module-path    
  [#:verbosity verbosity])  (listof path?)
  module-path : module-path?
  verbosity : (or/c 'all 'reload 'none) = 'reload
Like (dynamic-require module-path 0), but with reloading support. The dynamic-rerequire function is intended for use in an interactive environment, especially via enter!.

If invoking module-path requires loading any files, then modification dates of the files are recorded. If the file is modified, then a later dynamic-rerequire re-loads the module from source; see also Module Redeclarations. Similarly if a later dynamic-rerequire transitively requires a modified module, then the required module is re-loaded. Re-loading support works only for modules that are first loaded (either directly or indirectly through transitive requires) via dynamic-rerequire.

The returned list contains the absolute paths to the modules that were reloaded on this call to dynamic-rerequire. If the returned list is empty, no modules were changed or loaded.

When enter! loads or re-loads a module from a file, it can print a message to (current-error-port), depending on verbosity: 'all prints a message for all loads and re-loads, 'reload prints a message only for re-loaded modules, and 'none disables printouts.