
3.25 Performance Hints: begin-encourage-inline

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/performance-hint library, not racket/base or racket.


(begin-encourage-inline form ...)

Attaches a 'compiler-hint:cross-module-inline syntax property to each form, which is useful when a form is a function definition. See define-values.

The begin-encourage-inline form is also provided by the (submod racket/performance-hint begin-encourage-inline) module, which has fewer dependencies than racket/performance-hint.

修改于package base的6.2版本:Added the (submod racket/performance-hint begin-encourage-inline) submodule.


(define-inline id expr)

(define-inline (head args) body ...+)
head = id
  | (head args)
args = arg ...
  | arg ... . rest-id
arg = arg-id
  | [arg-id default-expr]
  | keyword arg-id
  | keyword [arg-id default-expr]
Like define, but ensures that the definition will be inlined at its call sites. Recursive calls are not inlined, to avoid infinite inlining. Higher-order uses are supported, but also not inlined.

define-inline may interfere with the Racket compiler’s own inlining heuristics, and should only be used when other inlining attempts (such as begin-encourage-inline) fail.