6.3.1 Parts, Flows, Blocks, and Paragraphs
6.3.2 Tags
6.3.3 Styles
6.3.4 Collected and Resolved Information
6.3.5 Structure Reference
resolve-get/  ext?
resolve-get/  ext-id
resolve-get/  tentative
block-traverse-procedure/  c
element-traverse-procedure/  c
6.3.6 HTML Style Properties
6.3.7 Latex Style Properties
latex-defaults+  replacements

6.3 Structures And Processing

 (require scribble/core) package: scribble-lib

A document is represented as a part, as described in Parts, Flows, Blocks, and Paragraphs. This representation is intended to be independent of its eventual rendering, and it is intended to be immutable; rendering extensions and specific data in a document can collude arbitrarily, however.

A document is processed in four passes:

None of the passes mutate the document representation. Instead, the traverse pass, collect pass, and resolve pass accumulate information in a side hash table, collect-info table, and resolve-info table. The collect pass and resolve pass are effectively specialized version of traverse pass that work across separately built documents.

6.3.1 Parts, Flows, Blocks, and Paragraphs

This diagram shows the large-scale structure of the type hierarchy for Scribble documents. A box represents a struct or a built-in Racket type; for example part is a struct. The bottom portion of a box shows the fields; for example part has three fields, title, blocks, and subparts. The substruct relationship is shown vertically with navy blue lines connected by a triangle; for example, a compound-paragraph is a block. The types of values on fields are shown via dark red lines in the diagram. Doubled lines represent lists and tripled lines represent lists of lists; for example, the blocks field of compound-paragraph is a list of blocks. Dotted lists represent functions that compute elements of a given field; for example, the block field of a traverse-block struct is a function that computes a block.

The diagram is not completely accurate: a table may have 'cont in place of a block in its cells field, and the types of fields are only shown if they are other structs in the diagram. A prose description with more detail follows the diagram.


A part is an instance of part; among other things, it has a title content, an initial flow, and a list of subsection parts. There is no difference between a part and a full document; a particular source module just as easily defines a subsection (incorporated via include-section) as a document.

A flow is a list of blocks.

A block is either a table, an itemization, a nested flow, a paragraph, a compound paragraph, a traverse block, or a delayed block.

修改于package scribble-lib的1.23版本:Changed the handling of convertible? values to recognize a 'text conversion and otherwise use write.

6.3.2 Tags

A tag is a list containing a symbol and either a string, a generated-tag instance, or an arbitrary list. The symbol effectively identifies the type of the tag, such as 'part for a tag that links to a part, or 'def for a Racket function definition. The symbol also effectively determines the interpretation of the second half of the tag.

A part can have a tag prefix, which is effectively added onto the second item within each tag whose first item is 'part, 'tech, or 'cite, or whose second item is a list that starts with 'prefixable:

The prefix is used for reference outside the part, including the use of tags in the part’s tags field. Typically, a document’s main part has a tag prefix that applies to the whole document; references to sections and defined terms within the document from other documents must include the prefix, while references within the same document omit the prefix. Part prefixes can be used within a document as well, to help disambiguate references within the document.

Some procedures accept a “tag” that is just the string part of the full tag, where the symbol part is supplied automatically. For example, section and secref both accept a string “tag”, where 'part is implicit.

The scribble/tag library provides functions for constructing tags.

6.3.3 Styles

A style combines a style name with a list of style properties in a style structure. A style name is either a string, symbol, or #f. A style property can be anything, including a symbol or a structure such as color-property.

A style has a single style name, because the name typically corresponds to a configurable instruction to a renderer. For example, with Latex output, a string style name corresponds to a Latex command or environment. For more information on how string style names interact with configuration of a renderer, see Extending and Configuring Scribble Output. Symbolic style names, meanwhile, provide a simple layer of abstraction between the renderer and documents for widely supported style; for example, the 'italic style name is supported by all renderers.

Style properties within a style compose with style names and other properties. Again, symbols are often used for properties that are directly supported by renderers. For example, 'unnumbered style property for a part renders the part without a section number. Many properties are renderer-specific, such as a hover-property structure that associates text with an element to be shown in an HTML display when the mouse hovers over the text.

6.3.4 Collected and Resolved Information

The collect pass, resolve pass, and render pass processing steps all produce information that is specific to a rendering mode. Concretely, the operations are all represented as methods on a render<%> object.

The result of the collect method is a collect-info instance. This result is provided back as an argument to the resolve method, which produces a resolve-info value that encapsulates the results from both iterations. The resolve-info value is provided back to the resolve method for final rendering.

Optionally, before the resolve method is called, serialized information from other documents can be folded into the collect-info instance via the deserialize-info method. Other methods provide serialized information out of the collected and resolved records.

During the collect pass, the procedure associated with a collect-element instance can register information with collect-put!.

During the resolve pass, collected information for a part can be extracted with part-collected-info, which includes a part’s number and its parent part (or #f). More generally, the resolve-get method looks up information previously collected. This resolve-time information is normally obtained by the procedure associated with a delayed block or delayed element.

The resolve-get information accepts both a part and a resolve-info argument. The part argument enables searching for information in each enclosing part before sibling parts.

6.3.5 Structure Reference


(struct part (tag-prefix
    #:extra-constructor-name make-part)
  tag-prefix : (or/c #f string?)
  tags : (listof tag?)
  title-content : (or/c #f list?)
  style : style?
  to-collect : list?
  blocks : (listof block?)
  parts : (listof part?)
The tag-prefix field determines the optional tag prefix for the part.

The tags indicates a list of tags that each link to the section. Normally, tags should be a non-empty list, so that hyperlinks can target the section.

The title-content field holds the part’s title, if any.

For the style field, the currently recognized symbolic style names are as follows:

The recognized style properties are as follows:

The to-collect field contains content that is inspected during the collect pass, but ignored in later passes (i.e., it doesn’t directly contribute to the output).

The blocks field contains the part’s initial flow (before sub-parts).

The parts field contains sub-parts.

修改于package scribble-lib的1.25版本:Added 'no-index support.
修改于1.26版本:Added link-render-style support.


(struct paragraph (style content)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-paragraph)
  style : style?
  content : content?
A paragraph has a style and a content.

For the style field, a string style name corresponds to a CSS class for HTML output or a macro for Latex output (see Implementing Styles). The following symbolic style names are recognized:

When a paragraph’s style is #f, then it is boxable in the sense of box-mode for Latex output.

The currently recognized style properties are as follows:


(struct table (style blockss)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-table)
  style : style?
  blockss : (listof (listof (or/c block? 'cont)))
See also the tabular function.

A table has, roughly, a list of list of blocks. A cell in the table can span multiple columns by using 'cont instead of a block in the following columns (i.e., for all but the first in a set of cells that contain a single block).

Within style, a string style name corresponds to a CSS class for HTML output or an environment for Latex output (see Implementing Styles). The following symbolic style names are also recognized:

The following style properties are currently recognized:

For Latex output, a paragraph as a cell value is not automatically line-wrapped, unless a vertical alignment is specified for the cell through a table-cells or table-columns style property. To get a line-wrapped paragraph, use a compound-paragraph or use an element with a string style and define a corresponding Latex macro in terms of \parbox. For Latex output of blocks in the flow that are nested-flows, itemizations, compound-paragraphs, or delayed-blocks, the block is wrapped with minipage using \linewidth divided by the column count as the width.


(struct itemization (style blockss)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-itemization)
  style : style?
  blockss : (listof (listof block?))
A itemization has a style and a list of flows.

In style, a string style name corresponds to a CSS class for HTML output or a macro for Latex output (see Implementing Styles). In addition, the following symbolic style names are recognized:

The following style properties are currently recognized:


(struct nested-flow (style blocks)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-nested-flow)
  style : any/c
  blocks : (listof block?)
A nested flow has a style and a flow.

In style, the style name is normally a string that corresponds to a CSS class for HTML <blockquote> output or a Latex environment (see Implementing Styles). The following symbolic style names are recognized:

The following style properties are currently recognized:


(struct compound-paragraph (style blocks)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-compound-paragraph)
  style : style?
  blocks : (listof block?)
A compound paragraph has a style and a list of blocks.

For HTML, a paragraph block in blocks is rendered without a <p> tag, unless the paragraph has a style with a non-#f style name. For Latex, each block in blocks is rendered with a preceding \noindent, unless the block has the 'never-indents property (checking recursively in a nested-flow or compound-paragraph if the nested-flow or compound-paragraph itself has no 'never-indents property).

The style field of a compound paragraph is normally a string that corresponds to a CSS class for HTML output or Latex environment for Latex output (see Implementing Styles). The following style properties are currently recognized:


(struct traverse-block (traverse)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-traverse-block)
  traverse : block-traverse-procedure/c
Produces another block during the traverse pass, eventually.

The traverse procedure is called with get and set procedures to get and set symbol-keyed information; the traverse procedure should return either a block (which effectively takes the traverse-block’s place) or a procedure like traverse to be called in the next iteration of the traverse pass.

All traverse-element and traverse-blocks that have not been replaced are forced in document order relative to each other during an iteration of the traverse pass.

The get procedure passed to traverse takes a symbol and any value to act as a default; it returns information registered for the symbol or the given default if no value has been registered. The set procedure passed to traverse takes a symbol and a value to registered for the symbol.

See also cond-block in scriblib/render-cond. The symbol 'scribble:current-render-mode is automatically registered to a list of symbols that describe the target of document rendering. The list contains 'html when rendering to HTML, 'latex when rendering via Latex, and 'text when rendering to text. The registration of 'scribble:current-render-mode cannot be changed via set.


(struct delayed-block (resolve)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-delayed-block)
  resolve : (any/c part? resolve-info? . -> . block?)
The resolve procedure is called during the resolve pass to obtain a normal block. The first argument to resolve is the renderer.


(struct element (style content)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-element)
  style : element-style?
  content : content?
Styled content within an enclosing paragraph or other content.

The style field can be a style structure, but it can also be just a style name.

In style, a string style name corresponds to a CSS class for HTML output and a macro name for Latex output (see Implementing Styles). The following symbolic style names are recognized:

The following style properties are currently recognized:

修改于package scribble-lib的1.6版本:Changed 'exact-chars handling to take effect when the style name is #f.
修改于1.27版本:Changed to support xexpr-property.


(struct image-element element (path suffixes scale)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-image-element)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?)))
  suffixes : (listof #rx"^[.]")
  scale : real?
Used as a style for an element to inline an image. The path field can be a result of path->main-collects-relative.

For each string in suffixes, if the rendered works with the corresponding suffix, the suffix is added to path and used if the resulting path refers to a file that exists. The order in suffixes determines the order in which suffixes are tried. The HTML renderer supports ".png", ".gif", and ".svg", while the Latex renderer supports ".png", ".pdf", and ".ps" (but rendering Latex output to PDF will not work with ".ps" files, while rendering to Latex DVI output works only with ".ps" files). If suffixes is empty or if none of the suffixes lead to files that exist, path is used as-is.

The scale field scales the image in its rendered form.


(struct target-element element (tag)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-target-element)
  tag : tag?
Declares the content as a hyperlink target for tag.


(struct toc-target-element target-element ()
    #:extra-constructor-name make-toc-target-element)
Like target-element, the content is also a kind of section label to be shown in the “on this page” table for HTML output.


(struct toc-target2-element toc-target-element (toc-content)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-toc-target2-element)
  toc-content : content?
Extends target-element with a separate field for the content to be shown in the “on this page” table for HTML output.


(struct page-target-element target-element ()
    #:extra-constructor-name make-page-target-element)
Like target-element, but a link to the element goes to the top of the containing page.


(struct redirect-target-element target-element (alt-path
    #:extra-constructor-name make-redirect-target-element)
  alt-path : path-string?
  alt-anchor : string?
Like target-element, but a link to the element is redirected to the given URL.


(struct toc-element element (toc-content)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-toc-element)
  toc-content : content?
Similar to toc-target-element, but with specific content for the “on this page” table specified in the toc-content field.


(struct link-element element (tag)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-link-element)
  tag : tag?
Represents a hyperlink to tag.

Normally, the content of the element is rendered as the hyperlink. When tag is a part tag and the content of the element is null, however, rendering is treated specially based on the mode value of a link-render-style style property:

If a link-render-style style property is not attached to a link-element that refers to a part, a link-render-style style property that is attached to an enclosing part is used, since attaching a link-render-style style property to a part causes current-link-render-style to be set while rendering the part. Otherwise, the render-time value of current-link-render-style determine’s a link-element’s rendering.

The following style properties are recognized in addition to the style properties for all elements:

修改于package scribble-lib的1.26版本:Added link-render-style support.


(struct index-element element (tag plain-seq entry-seq desc)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-index-element)
  tag : tag?
  plain-seq : (and/c pair? (listof string?))
  entry-seq : (listof content?)
  desc : any/c
The plain-seq specifies the keys for sorting, where the first string is the main key, the second is a sub-key, etc. For example, an “night” portion of an index might have sub-entries for “night, things that go bump in” and “night, defender of the”. The former would be represented by plain-seq '("night" "things that go bump in"), and the latter by '("night" "defender of the"). Naturally, single-string plain-seq lists are the common case, and at least one word is required, but there is no limit to the word-list length. The strings in plain-seq must not contain a newline character.

The entry-seq list must have the same length as plain-seq. It provides the form of each key to render in the final document.

The desc field provides additional information about the index entry as supplied by the entry creator. For example, a reference to a procedure binding can be recognized when desc is an instance of procedure-index-desc. See scribble/manual-struct for other typical types of desc values.

See also index.


(struct multiarg-element (style contents)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-multiarg-element)
  style : element-style?
  contents : (listof content?)
Like element with a list for content, except that for Latex output, if the style name in style is a string, then it corresponds to a Latex command that accepts as many arguments (each in curly braces) as elements of contents.


(struct traverse-element (traverse)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-traverse-element)
  traverse : element-traverse-procedure/c
See also cond-element in scriblib/render-cond. Like traverse-block, but the traverse procedure must eventually produce content, rather than a block.


(struct delayed-element (resolve sizer plain)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-delayed-element)
  resolve : (any/c part? resolve-info? . -> . content?)
  sizer : (-> any/c)
  plain : (-> any/c)
The render procedure’s arguments are the same as for delayed-block, but the result is content. Unlike delayed-block, the result of the render procedure’s argument is remembered on the first call for re-use for a particular resolve pass.

The sizer field is a procedure that produces a substitute content for the delayed element for the purposes of determining the delayed element’s width (see element-width).

The plain field is a procedure that produces a substitute content when needed before the collect pass, such as when element->string is used before the collect pass.


(struct part-relative-element (resolve sizer plain)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-part-relative-element)
  resolve : (collect-info? . -> . content?)
  sizer : (-> any/c)
  plain : (-> any/c)
Similar to delayed-block, but the replacement content is obtained in the collect pass by calling the function in the resolve field.

The resolve function can call collect-info-parents to obtain a list of parts that enclose the element, starting with the nearest enclosing section. Functions like part-collected-info and collected-info-number can extract information like the part number.


(struct collect-element element (collect)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-collect-element)
  collect : (collect-info . -> . any)
Like element, but the collect procedure is called during the collect pass. The collect procedure normally calls collect-put!.

Unlike delayed-element or part-relative-element, the element remains intact (i.e., it is not replaced) by either the collect pass or resolve pass.


(struct render-element element (render)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-render-element)
  render : (any/c part? resolve-info? . -> . any)
Like delayed-element, but the render procedure is called during the render pass.

If a render-element instance is serialized (such as when saving collected info), it is reduced to a element instance.


(struct collected-info (number parent info)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-collected-info)
  number : (listof part-number-item?)
  parent : (or/c #f part?)
  info : any/c
Computed for each part by the collect pass.

The length of the number list indicates the section’s nesting depth. Elements of number correspond to the section’s number, it’s parent’s number, and so on (that is, the section numbers are in reverse order):

修改于package scribble-lib的1.1版本:Added (list/c string? string?) number items for numberer-generated section numbers.


(struct target-url (addr)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-target-url)
  addr : path-string?
Used as a style property for an element. A path is allowed for addr, but a string is interpreted as a URL rather than a file path.


(struct document-version (text)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-document-version)
  text : (or/c string? #f)
Used as a style property for a part to indicate a version number.


(struct document-date (text)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-document-date)
  text : (or/c string? #f)
Used as a style property for a part to indicate a date (which is typically used for Latex output).


(struct color-property (color)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-color-property)
  color : (or/c string? (list/c byte? byte? byte?))
Used as a style property for an element to set its color. Recognized string names for color depend on the renderer, but at the recognized set includes at least "white", "black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", and "yellow". When color is a list of bytes, the values are used as RGB levels.

When rendering to HTML, a color-property is also recognized for a block, part (and used for the title in the latter case)or cell in a table.


(struct background-color-property (color)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-background-color-property)
  color : (or/c string? (list/c byte? byte? byte?))
Like color-property, but sets the background color.


(struct table-cells (styless)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-table-cells)
  styless : (listof (listof style?))
Used as a style property for a table to set its cells’ styles.

If a cell style has a string name, it is used as an HTML class for the <td> tag or as a Latex command name.

The following are recognized as cell-style properties:

修改于package scribble-lib的1.1版本:Added color-property and background-color-property support.
修改于1.4版本:Added 'border, 'left-border, 'right-border, 'top-border, and 'bottom-border support.


(struct table-columns (styles)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-table-columns)
  styles : (listof style?)
Like table-cells, but with support for a column-attributes property in each style, and the styles list is otherwise duplicated for each row in the table. The non-column-attributes parts of a table-columns are used only when a table-cells property is not present along with the table-columns property.

For HTML table rendering, for each column that has a column-attributes property in the corresponding element of styles, the attributes are put into an HTML col tag within the table.


(struct box-mode (top-name center-name bottom-name)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-box-mode)
  top-name : string?
  center-name : string?
  bottom-name : string?


(box-mode* name)  box-mode?

  name : string?
As a style property, indicates that a nested flow or paragraph is boxable when it is used in a boxing context for Latex output, but a nested flow is boxable only if its content is also boxable.

A boxing context starts with a table cell in a multi-column table, and the content of a block in a boxing context is also in a boxing context. If the cell’s content is boxable, then the content determines the width of the cell, otherwise a width is imposed. A paragraph with a #f style name is boxable as a single line; the 'wraps style name makes the paragraph non-boxable so that its width is imposed and its content can use multiple lines. A table is boxable when that all of its cell content is boxable.

To generate output in box mode, the box-mode property supplies Latex macro names to apply to the nested flow or paragraph content. The top-name macro is used if the box’s top line is to be aligned with other boxes, center-name if the box’s center is to be aligned, and bottom-name if the box’s bottom line is to be aligned. The box-mode* function creates a box-mode structure with the same name for all three fields.

A box-mode style property overrides any automatic boxed rendering (e.g., for a paragraph with style name #f). If a block has both a box-mode style property and a 'multicommand style property, then the Latex macro top-name, center-name, or bottom-name is applied with a separate argument for each of its content.


(block? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a paragraph, table, itemization, nested-flow, traverse-block, or delayed-block, #f otherwise.


(content? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a string, symbol, element, multiarg-element, traverse-element, delayed-element, part-relative-element, a convertible value in the sense of convertible?, or list of content. Otherwise, it returns #f.


(struct style (name properties)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-style)
  name : (or/c string? symbol? #f)
  properties : list?
Represents a style.

plain : style?

A style (make-style #f null).


(element-style? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a string, symbol, #f, or style structure.


(tag? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is acceptable as a link tag, which is a list containing a symbol and either a string, a generated-tag instance, or a non-empty list of serializable? values.


(struct generated-tag ()
    #:extra-constructor-name make-generated-tag)
A placeholder for a tag to be generated during the collect pass. Use tag-key to convert a tag containing a generated-tag instance to one containing a string.


(content->string content)  string?

  content : content?
(content->string content renderer p info)  string?
  content : content?
  renderer : any/c
  p : part?
  info : resolve-info?
Converts content to a single string (essentially rendering the content as “plain text”).

If p and info arguments are not supplied, then a pre-“collect” substitute is obtained for delayed elements. Otherwise, the two arguments are used to force the delayed element (if it has not been forced already).

Returns the width in characters of the given content.

Returns the width in characters of the given block.


(part-number-item? v)  boolean

  v : any/c
Return #t if v is #f, an exact non-negative integer, a string, or a list containing two strings. See collected-info for information on how different representations are used for numbering.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.1版本。


(numberer? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c


(make-numberer step initial-value)  numberer?

  step : 
(any/c (listof part-number-item?)
 . -> .
 (values part-number-item? any/c))
  initial-value : any/c


(numberer-step n    
part-number-item? hash?
  n : numberer?
  parent-number : (listof part-number-item?)
  ci : collect-info?
  numberer-values : hash?
A numberer implements a representation of a section number that increment separately from the default numbering style and that can be rendered differently than as Arabic numerals.

The numberer? function returns #t if v is a numberer, or #f otherwise.

The make-numberer function creates a numberer. The step function computes both the current number’s representation and increments the number, where the “number” can be an arbitrary value; the initial-value argument determines the initial value of the “number”, and the step function receives the current value as its first argument and returns an incremented value as its second result. A numberer’s “number” value starts fresh at each new nesting level. In addition to the numberer’s current value, the step function receives the parent section’s numbering (so that its result can depend on the part’s nesting depth).

The numberer-step function is normally used by a renderer. It applies a numberer, given the parent section’s number, a collect-info value, and a hash table that accumulates numberer values at a given nesting layer. The collect-info argument is needed because a numberer’s identity is based on a generated-tag. The result of numberer-step is the rendered form of the current section number plus an updated hash table with an incremented value for the numberer.

Typically, the rendered form of a section number (produced by numberer-step) is a list containing two strings. The first string is the part’s immediate number, which can be combined with a prefix for enclosing parts’ numbers. The second string is a separator that is placed after the part’s number and before a subsection’s number for each subsection. If numberer-step produces a plain string for the rendered number, then it is not added as a prefix to subsection numbers. See also collected-info.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.1版本。


(struct link-render-style (mode)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-link-render-style)
  mode : (or/c 'default 'number)
Used as a style property for a part or a specific link-element to control the way that a hyperlink is rendered for a part via secref or for a figure via figure-ref from scriblib/figure.

The 'default and 'number modes represent generic hyperlink-style configurations that could make sense for various kinds of references. The 'number style is intended to mean that a specific number is shown for the reference and that only the number is hyperlinked. The 'default style is more flexible, allowing a more appropriate choice for the rendering context, such as using the target section’s name for a hyperlink in HTML.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.26版本。

A parameter that determines the default rendering style for a section link.

When a part has a link-render-style as one of its style properties, then the current-link-render-style parameter is set during the resolve pass and render pass for the part’s content.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.26版本。


(struct collect-info (fp
    #:extra-constructor-name make-collect-info)
  fp : any/c
  ht : any/c
  ext-ht : any/c
  ext-demand : (tag? collect-info? . -> . any/c)
  parts : any/c
  tags : any/c
  gen-prefix : any/c
  relatives : any/c
  parents : (listof part?)
Encapsulates information accumulated (or being accumulated) from the collect pass. The fields are exposed, but not currently intended for external use, except that collect-info-parents is intended for external use.


(struct resolve-info (ci delays undef searches)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-resolve-info)
  ci : any/c
  delays : any/c
  undef : any/c
  searches : any/c
Encapsulates information accumulated (or being accumulated) from the resolve pass. The fields are exposed, but not currently intended for external use.


(info-key? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is an info key: a list of at least two elements whose first element is a symbol. The result is #f otherwise.

For a list that is an info tag, the interpretation of the second element of the list is effectively determined by the leading symbol, which classifies the key. However, a #f value as the second element has an extra meaning: collected information mapped by such info keys is not propagated out of the part where it is collected; that is, the information is available within the part and its sub-parts, but not in ancestor or sibling parts.

Note that every tag is an info key.


(collect-put! ci key val)  void?

  ci : collect-info?
  key : info-key?
  val : any/c
Registers information in ci. This procedure should be called only during the collect pass.


(resolve-get p ri key)  any/c

  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  key : info-key?
Extract information during the resolve pass or render pass for p from ri, where the information was previously registered during the collect pass. See also Collected and Resolved Information.

The result is #f if the no value for the given key is found. Furthermore, the search failure is recorded for potential consistency reporting, such as when racket setup is used to build documentation.


(resolve-get/ext? p ri key)  
any/c boolean?
  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  key : info-key?
Like resolve-get, but returns a second value to indicate whether the resulting information originated from an external source (i.e., a different document).


(resolve-get/ext-id p ri key)  
any/c (or/c boolean? string?)
  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  key : info-key?
Like resolve-get/ext?, but the second result can be a string to indicate the source document’s identification as established via load-xref and a #:doc-id argument.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.1版本。


(resolve-search dep-key p ri key)  void?

  dep-key : any/c
  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  key : info-key?
Like resolve-get, but a shared dep-key groups multiple searches as a single request for the purposes of consistency reporting and dependency tracking. That is, a single success for the same dep-key means that all of the failed attempts for the same dep-key have been satisfied. However, for dependency checking, such as when using racket setup to re-build documentation, all attempts are recorded (in case external changes mean that an earlier attempt would succeed next time).


(resolve-get/tentative p ri key)  any/c

  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  key : info-key?
Like resolve-search, but without dependency tracking. For multi-document settings where dependencies are normally tracked, such as when using racket setup to build documentation, this function is suitable for use only for information within a single document.


(resolve-get-keys p ri pred)  list?

  p : (or/c part? #f)
  ri : resolve-info?
  pred : (info-key? . -> . any/c)
Applies pred to each key mapped for p in ri, returning a list of all keys for which pred returns a true value.


(part-collected-info p ri)  collected-info?

  p : part?
  ri : resolve-info?
Returns the information collected for p as recorded within ri.


(tag-key t ri)  tag?

  t : tag?
  ri : resolve-info?
Converts a generated-tag value with t to a string.

Produces the block that replaces b.

Produces the content that replaces e.

Defined as

 ((symbol? any/c . -> . any/c)
  (symbol? any/c . -> . any)
  . -> . (or/c block-traverse-procedure/c

Defined as

 ((symbol? any/c . -> . any/c)
  (symbol? any/c . -> . any)
  . -> . (or/c element-traverse-procedure/c
6.3.6 HTML Style Properties

The scribble/html-properties library provides datatypes used as style properties for HTML rendering.


(struct attributes (assoc)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-attributes)
  assoc : (listof (cons/c symbol? string?))
Used as a style property to add arbitrary attributes to an HTML tag.


(struct alt-tag (name)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-alt-tag)
  name : (and/c string? #rx"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")
Use as a style property for an element, paragraph, or compound-paragraph to substitute an alternate HTML tag (instead of <span>, <p>, div, etc.).


(struct column-attributes (assoc)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-column-attributes)
  assoc : (listof (cons/c symbol? string?))
Used as a style property on a style with table-columns to add arbitrary attributes to an HTML col tag within the table.


(struct url-anchor (name)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-url-anchor)
  name : string?
Used as a style property with element to insert an anchor before the element.


(struct hover-property (text)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-hover-property)
  text : string?
Used as a style property with element to add text that is shown when the mouse hovers over the element.


(struct script-property (type script)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-script-property)
  type : string?
  script : (or/c path-string? (listof string?))
Used as a style property with element to supply a script alternative to the element content.


(struct xexpr-property (before after)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-xexpr-property)
  before : xexpr/c
  after : xexpr/c
Used as a style property with element to supply literal HTML that is rendered before and after element content.

#lang scribble/base
@(require scribble/core
          (only-in xml cdata))
@(define comments (xexpr-property
                   (cdata #f #f "<!-- before -->")
                   (cdata #f #f "<!-- after -->")))
Here is some
@elem[#:style (style #f (list comments))]{content with comments around}.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.27版本。


(struct css-addition (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-css-addition)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))
Used as a style property to supply a CSS file (if path is a path, string, or list), URL (if path is a url) or content (if path is a byte string) to be referenced or included in the generated HTML. This property can be attached to any style, and all additions are collected to the top of the generated HTML page.

The path field can be a result of path->main-collects-relative.


(struct css-style-addition (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-css-style-addition)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))
Like css-addition, but added after any style files that are specified by a document and before any style files that are provided externally.


(struct js-addition (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-js-addition)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))
Like css-addition, but for a JavaScript file instead of a CSS file.


(struct js-style-addition (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-js-style-addition)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))
Like css-style-addition, but for a JavaScript file instead of a CSS file.


(struct body-id (value)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-body-id)
  value : string?
Used as a style property to associate an id attribute with an HTML tag.


(struct document-source (module-path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-document-source)
  module-path : module-path?
Used as a style property to associate a module path with a part. Clicking on a section title within the part may show module-path with the part’s tag string, so that authors of other documents can link to the section.

More specifically, the section title is given the HTML attributes x-source-module and x-part-tag, plus x-part-prefixes if the section or enclosing sections declare tag prefixes, and x-source-pkg if the source is found within a package at document-build time. The scribble/manual style recognizes those tags to make clicking a title show cross-reference information.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.2版本。
修改于1.7版本:Added x-part-prefixes.
修改于1.9版本:Added x-source-pkg.


(struct html-defaults (prefix style extra-files)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-html-defaults)
  prefix : 
(or/c bytes? path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?)))
  style : 
(or/c bytes? path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?)))
  extra-files : 
(listof (or/c path-string?
              (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))))
Like latex-defaults, but use for the scribble command-line tool’s --html and --htmls modes.


(struct head-extra (xexpr)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-head-extra)
  xexpr : xexpr/c
For a part that corresponds to an HTML page, adds content to the <head> tag.


(struct render-convertible-as (types)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-render-convertible-as)
  types : (listof (or/c 'png-bytes 'svg-bytes))
For a part that corresponds to an HTML page, controls how objects that subscribe to the file/convertible protocol are rendered.

The alternatives in the types field are tried in order and the first one that succeeds is used in the html output.


(struct part-link-redirect (url)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-part-link-redirect)
  url : url?
As a style property on a part, causes hyperiinks to the part to be redirected to url instead of the rendered part.


(struct link-resource (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-link-resource)
  path : path-string?
As a style property on an element, causes the elements to be rendered as a hyperlink to (a copy of) path.

The file indicated by path is referenced in place when render<%> is instantiated with refer-to-existing-files as true. Otherwise, it is copied to the destination directory and potentially renamed to avoid conflicts.


(struct install-resource (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-install-resource)
  path : path-string?
Like link-resource, but makes path accessible in the destination without rendering a hyperlink.

This style property is useful only when render<%> is instantiated with refer-to-existing-files as #f, and only when path does not match then name of any other file that is copied by the renderer to the destination.

6.3.7 Latex Style Properties

The scribble/latex-properties library provides datatypes used as style properties for Latex rendering.


(struct tex-addition (path)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-tex-addition)
  path : 
(or/c path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))
Used as a style property to supply a ".tex" file (if path is a path, string, or list) or content (if path is a byte string) to be included in the generated Latex. This property can be attached to any style, and all additions are collected to the top of the generated Latex file.

The path field can be a result of path->main-collects-relative.


(struct latex-defaults (prefix style extra-files)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-latex-defaults)
  prefix : 
(or/c bytes? path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?)))
  style : 
(or/c bytes? path-string?
      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?)))
  extra-files : 
(listof (or/c path-string?
              (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))))
Used as a style property on the main part of a document to set a default prefix file, style file, and extra files (see Configuring Output). The defaults are used by the scribble command-line tool for --latex or --pdf mode if none are supplied via --prefix and --style (where extra-files are used only when prefix is used). A byte-string value is used directly like file content, and a path can be a result of path->main-collects-relative.

Languages (used with #lang) like scribble/manual and scribble/sigplan add this property to a document to specify appropriate files for Latex rendering.

See also scribble/latex-prefix.


(struct latex-defaults+replacements latex-defaults (replacements)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-latex-defaults+replacements)
  replacements : 
(hash/c string? (or/c bytes? path-string?
                      (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))))
Like latex-defaults but it allows for more configuration. For example if the replacements maps "scribble-load-replace.tex" to "my-scribble.tex", then the "my-scribble.tex" file in the current directory will we used in place of the standard scribble package inclusion header.


(struct command-extras (arguments)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-command-extras)
  arguments : (listof string?)
Used as a style property on an element to add extra arguments to the element’s command in Latex output.


(struct command-optional (arguments)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-command-optional)
  arguments : (listof string?)
Used as a style property on a element to add a optional arguments to the element’s command in Latex output.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.20版本。


(struct short-title (text)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-short-title)
  text : (or/c string? #f)
Used as a style property on a title-decl. Attaches a short title to the title for a part if the Latex class file uses a short title.

添加于package scribble-lib的1.20版本。