2.6 Pict-Staging Helper
(require slideshow/step) | package: slideshow-lib |
(with-steps (id ...) body ...)
Within the bodys, several keywords are bound non-hygienically (using the first body’s lexical context):
(only? id) —
returns #t during the id step (i.e., during the evaluation of the bodys for id), #f otherwise. (vonly id) —
returns the identity function during the id step, ghost otherwise. (only id then-expr) returns the result of then-expr during the id step, values otherwise.
(only id then-expr else-expr) returns the result of then-expr during the id step, the result of else-expr otherwise.
(before? id) —
returns #t before the id step, #f starting for the id and afterward. (vbefore id), (before id then-expr), or (before id then-expr else-expr) —
analogous to vonly and only. (after? id) —
returns #t after the id step, #f through the id step. (vafter id), (after id then-expr), or (after id then-expr else-expr) —
analogous to vonly and only. (between? a-id b-id) —
returns #t starting from the a-id step through the b-id step, #f otherwise. (vbetween a-id b-id), (between a-id b-id then-expr), or (between a-id b-id then-expr else-expr) —
analogous to vonly and only. (between-excel? a-id b-id) —
returns #t starting from the a-id step through steps before the b-id step, #f for the b-id step and afterward. (vbetween-excl a-id b-id), (between-excl a-id b-id then-expr), or (between-excl a-id b-id then-expr else-expr) —
analogous to vonly and only.
(with-steps~ (id ...) body ...)