26 Backwards Compatibility
This section lists the bindings that begin with drscheme: provided by the tools library; they are here for backwards compatibility and to provide links to the drracket: versions of the names.
drscheme:tool^ : any/c
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:tool^ instead.
drscheme:tool-exports^ : any/c
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:tool-exports^ instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:profile-definitions-text-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:profile-tab-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:profile-unit-frame-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-interactions-text-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-definitions-text-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-tab-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-frame-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:tab% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:frame% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:definitions-canvas% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:get-definitions-text% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:interactions-canvas% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:drs-bindings-keymap-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:text% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:text<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:frame:mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:frame:basics-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:language<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:module-based-language<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-module-based-language<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-module-based-language% instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-module-based-language->module-based-language-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:module-based-language->language-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:tracing:tab-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:tracing:frame-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language:module-language<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:frame-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:tab-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:definitions-text-mixin instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:frame:basics<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:frame:<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:frame<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:definitions-text<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:tab<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:context<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:definitions-text<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:tab<%> instead.
This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:frame<%> instead.
(->* (string? any/c) ((or/c false/c (listof srcloc?)) #:definitions-text (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) #:interactions-text (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>))) any/c)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:error-display-handler/stacktrace instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:make-debug-error-display-handler instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:hide-backtrace-window instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:add-prefs-panel instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:make-debug-eval-handler instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-enabled instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-on-style-name instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:test-coverage-off-style-name instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:profiling-enabled instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:bug-info->ticket-url instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:small-planet-bitmap instead.
(->* ((or/c srcloc? (listof srcloc?))) ((or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:open-and-highlight-in-file instead.
(-> string? (listof srcloc?) (listof (or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window/edition-pairs instead.
(-> string? (listof srcloc?) (listof (or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) (listof srcloc?) (listof (or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window/edition-pairs/two instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:get-error-color instead.
(->* (string? (or/c exn? (listof srcloc?) (non-empty-listof (cons/c string? (listof srcloc?))))) ((or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>))) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window instead.
(->* (srcloc? (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>))) ((or/c #f (and/c hash? hash-equal?))) (or/c #f (cons/c (let ([weak-box-containing-an-editor? (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>)))))]) weak-box-containing-an-editor?) number?)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:debug:srcloc->edition/pair instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:set-basic-parameters instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:get-snip-classes instead.
(->* ((or/c input-port? drracket:language:text/pos?) drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? boolean? (-> void?) (-> void?) (-> (or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) any)) (#:gui-modules? boolean?) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:expand-program instead.
(->* (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (-> void?) (-> void?)) (#:gui-modules? boolean?) (-> (or/c input-port? drracket:language:text/pos?) (-> (or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) any) boolean? void?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:traverse-program/multiple instead.
(->* (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? boolean? (-> void?) (-> void?)) (#:gui-modules? boolean?) (-> (or/c input-port? drracket:language:text/pos?) (-> (or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) any) boolean? void?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:expand-program/multiple instead.
(->* (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (-> void?) (-> void?)) (#:gui-modules? boolean?) (values eventspace? custodian?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:frame%)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-unit-frame instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-unit-frame instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:tab<%>)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-tab instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-tab instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-text<%> editor:standard-style-list<%> editor:info<%> racket:text<%> text:all-string-snips<%> text:file<%> text:info<%> text:wide-snip<%>)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-text instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-definitions-text instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:rep:text<%>)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-text instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-interactions-text instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-canvas%)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-canvas instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-definitions-canvas instead.
(->i ([mixin (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:interactions-canvas%)]) ([before boolean?] #:name-for-changes [name-for-changes (or/c #f symbol?)]) [result void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-canvas instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:get-interactions-canvas instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:disallow-re-extension! instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:get/extend:allow-re-extension! instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:help-desk:help-desk instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:help-desk:goto-plt-license instead.
: (-> (listof (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:get-languages instead.
(->* ((and/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c)) (#:allow-executable-creation? boolean?) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:add-language instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:get-settings-preferences-symbol instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? instead.
: (-> drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (or/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-language instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-settings instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:struct:language-settings instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:make-language-settings instead.
(->* (boolean? drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) ((or/c false/c (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>))) (or/c false/c drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:language-dialog instead.
(->* ((is-a?/c vertical-panel%) (is-a?/c area-container<%>) drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) ((or/c false/c (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>)) (-> symbol? void?)) (values (-> (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>)) (-> any/c) (-> any/c (is-a?/c mouse-event%) any)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language-configuration:fill-language-dialog instead.
(->i ([s symbol?] [the-contract contract?] [default (the-contract) the-contract]) () [res void?])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:register-capability instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:capability-registered? instead.
(->i ([s (and/c symbol? drracket:language:capability-registered?)]) () [res (s) (drracket:language:get-capability-contract s)])
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:get-capability-default instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:get-capability-contract instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:add-snip-value instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:extend-language-interface instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:get-default-mixin instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:get-language-extensions instead.
((is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) path? (or/c boolean? 'launcher 'standalone 'distribution) boolean? string? . -> . (or/c false/c path?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:put-executable instead.
((or/c #f (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>)) (or/c #f string?) (or/c #t 'launcher 'standalone 'distribution) (or/c #t 'mzscheme 'mred) . -> . (or/c #f (list/c (or/c 'no-show 'launcher 'stand-alone 'distribution) (or/c 'no-show 'mred 'mzscheme) string? (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)))))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:create-executable-gui instead.
((or/c path? string?) (or/c path? string?) any/c any/c any/c boolean? boolean? . -> . void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:create-module-based-stand-alone-executable instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:create-module-based-distribution instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:create-distribution-for-executable instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:create-module-based-launcher instead.
: (-> any/c drracket:language:simple-settings? any)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-module-based-language-convert-value instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:setup-printing-parameters instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:make-setup-printing-parameters instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:text/pos? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:text/pos-text instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:text/pos-start instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:text/pos-end instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:make-text/pos instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:struct:text/pos instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-case-sensitive instead.
: (-> drracket:language:simple-settings? (or/c 'constructor 'quasiquote 'write 'trad-write 'print))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-printing-style instead.
: (-> drracket:language:simple-settings? (or/c 'mixed-fraction 'mixed-fraction-e 'repeating-decimal 'repeating-decimal-e))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-fraction-style instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-show-sharing instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-insert-newlines instead.
: (-> drracket:language:simple-settings? (or/c 'none 'debug 'debug/profile 'test-coverage))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings-annotations instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:make-simple-settings instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:struct:simple-settings instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:language:simple-settings->vector instead.
(->* (string? (or/c #f (is-a?/c mode:surrogate-text<%>)) (-> (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text%) number? boolean?) (-> (or/c #f (listof string?)) boolean?)) (#:intended-to-edit-programs? boolean?) drracket:modes:mode?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:add-mode instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode-name instead.
: (-> drracket:modes:mode? (or/c #f (is-a?/c mode:surrogate-text<%>)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode-surrogate instead.
: (-> drracket:modes:mode? (-> (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text%) number? boolean?))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode-repl-submit instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode-matches-language instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:mode-intended-to-edit-programs? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:struct:mode instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:modes:get-modes instead.
(->* ((-> (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) (is-a?/c area-container<%>) (is-a?/c switchable-button%)) symbol?) (#:number (or/c real? #f)) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:add-opt-out-toolbar-button instead.
(->* ((-> (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) (is-a?/c area-container<%>) (is-a?/c switchable-button%)) symbol?) (#:number (or/c real? #f)) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:add-opt-in-toolbar-button instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:add-online-expansion-handler instead.
(-> path-string? symbol? (-> (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>) (or/c drracket:module-language-tools:start? any/c) any) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:add-online-expansion-monitor instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:start? instead.
: (-> (-> (is-a?/c vertical-panel%) void?) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:register-online-expansion-pref instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:done? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language-tools:done instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language:add-module-language instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:module-language:module-language-put-file-mixin instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:get-welcome-delta instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:get-dark-green-delta instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:get-error-delta instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:get-drs-bindings-keymap instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:current-rep instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:current-value-port instead.
drscheme:rep:after-expression : (parameter/c (or/c #f (-> any)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:after-expression instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:current-language-settings instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:rep:module-language-initial-run instead.
: (-> ((subclass?/c text%) . -> . (subclass?/c text%)))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:get-program-editor-mixin instead.
: (((subclass?/c text%) . -> . (subclass?/c text%)) . -> . void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:add-to-program-editor-mixin instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:open-drscheme-window instead.
: (->* ((is-a?/c text%) (is-a?/c menu-item-container<%>) exact-nonnegative-integer?) ((-> any)) void?)
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:add-search-help-desk-menu-item instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks? instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks-get-names instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks-add instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks-remove instead.
: (-> drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks? (-> any/c any/c))
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:teachpack-callbacks-remove-all instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:struct:teachpack-callbacks instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:make-teachpack-callbacks instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:unit:find-symbol instead.
This binding provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use drracket:tracing:annotate instead.