The Typed Racket Reference

The Typed Racket Reference

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <samth@racket-lang.org>,
Vincent St-Amour <stamourv@racket-lang.org>,
Eric Dobson <endobson@racket-lang.org>,
以及Asumu Takikawa <asumu@racket-lang.org>

This manual describes the Typed Racket language, a sister language of Racket with a static type-checker. The types, special forms, and other tools provided by Typed Racket are documented here.

For a friendly introduction, see the companion manual The Typed Racket Guide.

 #lang typed/racket/base package: typed-racket-lib
 #lang typed/racket

    1 Type Reference

      1.1 Base Types

        1.1.1 Numeric Types

        1.1.2 Other Base Types

      1.2 Singleton Types

      1.3 Containers

      1.4 Syntax Objects

      1.5 Control

      1.6 Other Type Constructors

      1.7 Other Types

    2 Special Form Reference

      2.1 Binding Forms

      2.2 Anonymous Functions

      2.3 Loops

      2.4 Definitions

      2.5 Structure Definitions

      2.6 Names for Types

      2.7 Generating Predicates Automatically

      2.8 Type Annotation and Instantiation

      2.9 Require

      2.10 Other Forms

    3 Libraries Provided With Typed Racket

      3.1 Porting Untyped Modules to Typed Racket

    4 Typed Classes

      4.1 Special forms

      4.2 Types

    5 Typed Units

      5.1 Special forms

      5.2 Types

      5.3 Interacting with Untyped Code

      5.4 Limitations

        5.4.1 Signature Forms

        5.4.2 Contracts and Unit Static Information

        5.4.3 Signatures and Internal Definition Contexts

        5.4.4 Tagged Signatures

        5.4.5 Structural Matching and Other Unit Forms

    6 Utilities

      6.1 Ignoring type information

      6.2 Untyped Utilities

    7 Exploring Types

    8 Typed Racket Syntax Without Type Checking

    9 Typed Regions

    10 Optimization in Typed Racket

    11 Unsafe Typed Racket operations

    12 Legacy Forms

    13 Compatibility Languages

    14 Experimental Features

      14.1 Logical Refinements and Linear Integer Reasoning

      14.2 Dependent Function Types