Racket 文档


The following individuals contributed to the implementation and documentation of Racket: Claire Alvis, Leif Andersen, Yavuz Arkun, Ian Barland, Eli Barzilay, Gann Bierner, Stephen Bloch, Matthew Butterick, Filipe Cabecinhas, Stephen Chang, Richard Cleis, John Clements, Richard Cobbe, Greg Cooper, Ryan Culpepper, Christos Dimoulas, Eric Dobson, Carl Eastlund, Moy Easwaran, Will Farr, Matthias Felleisen, Dan Feltey, Burke Fetscher, Michael Filonenko, Robby Findler, Kathi Fisler, Cormac Flanagan, Spencer Florence, Matthew Flatt, Tony Garnock-Jones, Sebastian Good, Paul Graunke, Kathy Gray, Ben Greenman, Dan Grossman, Arjun Guha, Dave Gurnell, Tobias Hammer, William Hatch, Bruce Hauman, Greg Hendershott, Dave Herman, Blake Johnson, Andrew Kent, Alexis King, Casey Klein, Alex Knauth, Geoffrey S. Knauth, Mark Krentel, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Mario Latendresse, Xiangqi Li, Guillaume Marceau, Gustavo Massaccesi, Jacob Matthews, Jay McCarthy, Mike T. McHenry, Philippe Meunier, Scott Owens, David T. Pierson, Jon Rafkind, Jamie Raymond, Grant Rettke, Paul Schlie, Dorai Sitaram, Francisco Solsona, Sarah Spall, Mike Sperber, Vincent St-Amour, Paul Steckler, Stevie Strickland, James Swaine, Jens Axel Søgaard, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Neil Van Dyke, David Van Horn, Anton van Straaten, Asumu Takikawa, Kevin Tew, Neil Toronto, Milo Turner, Dale Vaillancourt, Dimitris Vyzovitis, Stephanie Weirich, Noel Welsh, Adam Wick, Danny Yoo, Shu-Hung You, and ChongKai Zhu.