font-family/  c
font-style/  c
font-weight/  c
font-smoothing/  c
font-hinting/  c
pen-style/  c
pen-cap-style/  c
pen-join-style/  c
brush-style/  c

27 Drawing Contracts

This page documents the contracts that are used to describe the specification of racket/draw objects and functions.

Recognizes font designations. Corresponds to the family initialization argument of the font% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:
(or/c 'default 'decorative 'roman 'script 'swiss
      'modern 'symbol 'system)

Recognizes font styles. Corresponds to the style initialization argument of the font% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:

(or/c 'normal 'italic 'slant)

Recognizes font weights. Corresponds to the weight initialization argument of the font% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:
(or/c (integer-in 100 1000)
      'thin 'ultralight 'light 'semilight 'book 'normal
      'medium 'semibold 'bold 'ultrabold 'heavy 'ultraheavy)

修改于package draw-lib的1.14版本:Changed to allow integer values and the symbols 'thin, 'ultralight, 'semilight, 'book, 'medium, 'semibold, 'ultrabold, 'heavy, and 'ultraheavy.

Recognizes a font smoothing amount. Corresponds to the smoothing initialization argument of the font% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:
(or/c 'default 'partly-smoothed
      'smoothed 'unsmoothed)

Recognizes font hinting modes. Corresponds to the hinting initialization argument of the font% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:

(or/c 'aligned 'unaligned)

Recognizes pen styles. Corresponds to the style initialization argument of the pen% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:
(or/c 'transparent 'solid 'xor 'hilite
      'dot 'long-dash 'short-dash 'dot-dash
      'xor-dot 'xor-long-dash 'xor-short-dash

Recognizes pen cap styles. Corresponds to the cap initialization argument of the pen% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:

(or/c 'round 'projecting 'butt)

Recognizes pen join styles. Corresponds to the join initialization argument of the pen% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:

(or/c 'round 'bevel 'miter)

Recognizes brush styles. Corresponds to the style initialization argument of the brush% class.

Equivalent to the following definition:
(or/c 'transparent 'solid 'opaque
      'xor 'hilite 'panel
      'bdiagonal-hatch 'crossdiag-hatch
      'fdiagonal-hatch 'cross-hatch
      'horizontal-hatch 'vertical-hatch)