A record-dc% object records drawing actions for replay into
another drawing context. The recorded drawing operations can be
extracted as a procedure via get-recorded-procedure, or the actions can be extracted as a datum
(that can be printed with write and recreated with
read) via get-recorded-datum.
When drawing recorded actions, the target drawing context’s pen, brush, font, text, background, text background, and text foreground do not affect the recorded actions. The target drawing context’s transformation, alpha, and clipping region compose with settings in the recorded actions (so that, for example, a recorded action to set the clipping region actually intersects the region with the drawing context’s clipping region at the time that the recorded commands are replayed). After recoded commands are replayed, all settings in the target drawing context, such as its clipping region or current font, are as before the replay.
(new record-dc% [ [width width] [height height]]) → (is-a?/c record-dc%) width : (>=/c 0) = 640 height : (>=/c 0) = 480
Creates a new recording DC. The optional width and
height arguments determine the result of get-size on the recording DC; the width and
height arguments do not clip drawing.
(send a-record-dc get-recorded-datum) → any/c
Extracts a recorded drawing to a value that can be printed with
write and re-read with read. Use
recorded-datum->procedure to convert the datum to a drawing
Extracts a recorded drawing to a procedure that can be applied to
another DC to replay the drawing commands to the given DC.
The get-recorded-procedure method can be more
efficient than composing get-recorded-datum and