3.1 Menus
3.1.1 File
3.1.2 Edit
3.1.3 View
3.1.4 Language
3.1.5 Racket
3.1.6 Insert
3.1.7 Windows
3.1.8 Help

3.1 Menus

3.1.1 File
3.1.2 Edit

All Edit menu items operate on either the definitions or interactions window, depending on the location of the selection or blinking caret. Each window maintains its own Undo and Redo history.

3.1.3 View

One each of the following show/hide pairs of menu items appears at any time.

Note: whenever a program is run, the interactions window is made visible if it is hidden.

3.1.4 Language

In addition to the above items, a menu item for each teachpack that clears only the corresponding teachpack.

3.1.5 Racket
3.1.6 Insert
3.1.7 Windows

Additionally, after the above menu items, this menu contains an entry for each window in DrRacket. Selecting a menu item brings the corresponding window to the front.

3.1.8 Help