3.5.1 Program Files
3.5.2 Backup and Autosave Files
3.5.3 Preference Files

3.5 DrRacket Files

3.5.1 Program Files

The standard file extension for a Racket program file is ".rkt". The extensions ".ss", ".scm", and ".sch" are also historically popular.

DrRacket’s editor can save a program file in two different formats:

3.5.2 Backup and Autosave Files

When you modify an existing file in DrRacket and save it, DrRacket copies the old version of the file to a special backup file if no backup file exists. The backup file is saved in the same directory as the original file, and the backup file’s name is generated from the original file’s name:

Every five minutes, DrRacket checks each open file. If any file is modified and not saved, DrRacket saves the file to a special autosave file (just in case there is a power failure or some other catastrophic error). If the file is later saved, or if the user exists DrRacket without saving the file, the autosave file is removed. The autosave file is saved in the same directory as the original file, and the autosave file’s name is generated from the original file’s name:

If the definitions window is modified and there is no current file, then an autosave file is written to the user’s “documents” directory.

The “documents” directory is determined by (find-system-path 'doc-dir).

3.5.3 Preference Files

On start-up, DrRacket reads configuration information from a preferences file. The name and location of the preferences file depends on the platform and user:

The expression (find-system-path 'pref-file) returns the platform- and user-specific preference file path.

A lock file is used while modifying the preferences file, and it is created in the same directory as the preferences file. On Windows, the lock file is named "_LOCKracket-prefs.rktd"; on Unix, it is ".LOCK.racket-prefs.rktd"; on Mac OS, it is ".LOCK.org.racket-lang.prefs.rktd".

If the user-specific preferences file does not exist, and the file "racket-prefs.rktd" in the "defaults" collection does exist, then it is used for the initial preference settings. (See Libraries and Collections for more information about collections.) This file thus allows site-specific configuration for preference defaults. To set up such a configuration, start DrRacket and configure the preferences to your liking. Then, exit DrRacket and copy your preferences file into the "defaults" collection as "racket-prefs.rktd". Afterward, users who have no preference settings already will get the preference settings that you chose.