| ||
border —
default is 0; passed to border spacing —
default is 0; passed to spacing alignment —
default is class-specific, such as '(center top) for vertical-panel%; the list elements are passed to set-alignment
child : (is-a?/c subwindow<%>)
(send an-area-container after-new-child child) → void?
child : (is-a?/c subarea<%>)
Default implementation: Does nothing.
(send an-area-container begin-container-sequence) → void?
(send an-area-container border) → spacing-integer?
(send an-area-container border margin) → void? margin : spacing-integer?
(send an-area-container change-children filter) → void?
filter :
((listof (is-a?/c subarea<%>)) . -> . (listof (is-a?/c subarea<%>)))
After the set of non-deleted children is changed, the container computes the sets of newly deleted and newly non-deleted children. Newly deleted windows are hidden. Newly non-deleted windows are shown.
Since non-window areas cannot be hidden, non-window areas cannot be deleted. If the filter procedure removes non-window subareas, an exception is raised and the set of non-deleted children is not changed.
(send an-area-container container-flow-modified) → void?
The reflow-containermethod only recomputes child positions when the geometry manager thinks that the placement has changed since the last computation.
(send an-area-container container-size info)
dimension-integer? dimension-integer?
info :
(listof (list/c dimension-integer? dimension-integer? any/c any/c))
(send an-area-container delete-child child) → void?
child : (is-a?/c subwindow<%>)
(send an-area-container end-container-sequence) → void?
(send an-area-container get-alignment)
(symbols 'right 'center 'left) (symbols 'bottom 'center 'top)
(send an-area-container get-children)
→ (listof (is-a?/c subarea<%>))
(send an-area-container place-children info width height)
(listof (list/c dimension-integer? dimension-integer? dimension-integer? dimension-integer?))
info :
(listof (list/c dimension-integer? dimension-integer? any/c any/c)) width : dimension-integer? height : dimension-integer?
(send an-area-container reflow-container) → void?
Immediately after calling the reflow-container method, get-size, get-client-size, get-width, get-height, get-x, and get-y report the manager-applied sizes and locations for the container and its children, even when the container is hidden. A container implementation can call functions such as get-size at any time to obtain the current state of a window (because the functions do not trigger geometry management).
See also container-flow-modified.
(send an-area-container set-alignment horiz-align vert-align) → void? horiz-align : (symbols 'right 'center 'left) vert-align : (symbols 'bottom 'center 'top)
When the container’s horizontal alignment is 'left, the children are left-aligned in the container and whitespace is inserted to the right. When the container’s horizontal alignment is 'center, each child is horizontally centered in the container. When the container’s horizontal alignment is 'right, leftover whitespace is inserted to the left.
Similarly, a container’s vertical alignment can be 'top, 'center, or 'bottom.
(send an-area-container spacing) → spacing-integer?
(send an-area-container spacing spacing) → void? spacing : spacing-integer?