| ||
superclass: object% | ||
A menu-bar% object is created for a particular
frame% object. A frame can have at most one menu bar;
an exn:fail:contract exception is raised when a new menu bar is created for a frame that
already has a menu bar.
(new menu-bar% [parent parent] [ [demand-callback demand-callback]]) → (is-a?/c menu-bar%) parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) 'root)
demand-callback : ((is-a?/c menu-bar%) . -> . any) = (lambda (m) (void))
Creates a menu bar in the specified frame. The menu bar is initially
empty. If 'root is supplied as parent, the
menu bar becomes active only when no other frames are shown. A
'root parent is allowed only when
current-eventspace-has-menu-root? returns #t, and
only if no such menu bar has been created before, otherwise
an exn:fail:contract exception is raised.
The demand-callback procedure is called by the default on-demand method with the object itself.
Enables or disables the menu bar (i.e., all of its menus). Each
menu’s is-enabled? method returns
#f only if the menu is specifically disabled (in addition to
the menu bar).
Returns the menu bar’s frame, or returns 'root if the menu
bar is shown when no other frames are shown.
(send a-menu-bar is-enabled?) → boolean?
Returns #t if the menu bar is enabled, #f otherwise.