defform/  none
defidform/  inline
defform/  subs
defform*/  subs
specform/  subs
specsubform/  subs
specspecsubform/  subs
4.2.3 Documenting Forms, Functions, Structure Types, and Values


(defproc options prototype
         pre-flow ...)
prototype = (id arg-spec ...)
  | (prototype arg-spec ...)
arg-spec = (arg-id contract-expr-datum)
  | (arg-id contract-expr-datum default-expr)
  | (keyword arg-id contract-expr-datum)
  | (keyword arg-id contract-expr-datum default-expr)
  | ellipses
  | ellipses+
options = maybe-kind maybe-link maybe-id
maybe-kind = 
  | #:kind kind-string-expr
maybe-link = 
  | #:link-target? link-target?-expr
maybe-id = 
  | #:id [src-id dest-id-expr]
maybe-value = 
  | #:value value-expr-datum
ellipses = ...
ellipses+ = ...+
Produces a sequence of flow elements (encapsulated in a splice) to document a procedure named id. Nesting prototypes corresponds to a curried function, as in define. Unless link-target?-expr is specified and produces #f, the id is indexed, and it also registered so that racket-typeset uses of the identifier (with the same for-label binding) are hyperlinked to this documentation.

@defproc[(make-sandwich [ingredients (listof ingredient?)])
  Returns a sandwich given the right ingredients.
@defproc[#:kind "sandwich-maker"
         (make-reuben [ingredient sauerkraut?] ...
                      [#:veggie? veggie? any/c #f])
  Produces a reuben given some number of @racket[ingredient]s.
  If @racket[veggie?] is @racket[#f], produces a standard
  reuben with corned beef. Otherwise, produces a vegetable

Renders like:


(make-sandwich ingredients)  sandwich?

  ingredients : (listof ingredient?)
Returns a sandwich given the right ingredients.


(make-reuben ingredient    
  [#:veggie? veggie?])  sandwich?
  ingredient : sauerkraut?
  veggie? : any/c = #f
Produces a reuben given some number of ingredients.

If veggie? is #f, produces a standard reuben with corned beef. Otherwise, produces a vegetable reuben.

When id is indexed and registered, a defmodule or declare-exporting form (or one of the variants) in an enclosing section determines the id binding that is being defined. The id should also have a for-label binding (as introduced by (require (for-label ....))) that matches the definition binding; otherwise, the defined id will not typeset correctly within the definition.

Each arg-spec must have one of the following forms:

(arg-id contract-expr-datum)

An argument whose contract is specified by contract-expr-datum which is typeset via racketblock0.

(arg-id contract-expr-datum default-expr)

Like the previous case, but with a default value. All arguments with a default value must be grouped together, but they can be in the middle of required arguments.

(keyword arg-id contract-expr-datum)

Like the first case, but for a keyword-based argument.

(keyword arg-id contract-expr-datum default-expr)

Like the previous case, but with a default value.


Any number of the preceding argument. This form is normally used at the end, but keyword-based arguments can sensibly appear afterward. See also the documentation for append for a use of ... before the last argument.


One or more of the preceding argument (normally at the end, like ...).

The result-contract-expr-datum is typeset via racketblock0, and it represents a contract on the procedure’s result.

The decoded pre-flow documents the procedure. In this description, references to arg-ids using racket, racketblock, etc. are typeset as procedure arguments.

The typesetting of all information before the pre-flows ignores the source layout, except that the local formatting is preserved for contracts and default-values expressions. The information is formatted to fit (if possible) in the number of characters specified by the current-display-width parameter.

An optional #:kind specification chooses the decorative label, which defaults to "procedure". A #f result for kind-string-expr uses the default, otherwise kind-string-expr should produce a string. An alternate label should be all lowercase.

If #:id [src-id dest-id-expr] is supplied, then src-id is the identifier as it appears in the prototype (to be replaced by a defining instance), and dest-id-expr produces the identifier to be documented in place of src-id. This split between src-id and dest-id-expr roles is useful for functional abstraction of defproc.

If #:value value-expr-datum is given, value-expr-datum is typeset using racketblock0 and included in the documentation. As a service to readers, please use #:value to document only simple, short functions.


(defproc* options
            maybe-value] ...)
          pre-flow ...)
Like defproc, but for multiple cases with the same id. Multiple distinct ids can also be defined by a single defproc*, for the case that it’s best to document a related group of procedures at once (but multiple defprocs grouped by deftogether also works for that case).

When an id has multiple calling cases, either they must be defined with a single defproc*, so that a single definition point exists for the id, or else all but one definition should use #:link-target? #f.

@defproc*[([(make-pb&j) sandwich?]
           [(make-pb&j [jelly jelly?]) sandwich?])]{
  Returns a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If @racket[jelly]
  is provided, then it is used instead of the standard (grape)

Renders like:


(make-pb&j)  sandwich?

(make-pb&j jelly)  sandwich?
  jelly : jelly?
Returns a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If jelly is provided, then it is used instead of the standard (grape) jelly.


(defform options form-datum
  maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
options = maybe-kind maybe-link maybe-id maybe-literals
maybe-kind = 
  | #:kind kind-string-expr
maybe-link = 
  | #:link-target? link-target?-expr
maybe-id = 
  | #:id id
  | #:id [id id-expr]
maybe-literals = 
  | #:literals (literal-id ...)
maybe-grammar = 
  | #:grammar ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
maybe-contracts = 
#:contracts ([subform-datum contract-expr-datum]
Produces a sequence of flow elements (encapsulated in a splice) to document a syntatic form named by id (or the result of id-expr) whose syntax is described by form-datum. If no #:id is used to specify id, then form-datum must have the form (id . datum).

If #:kind kind-string-expr is supplied, it is used in the same way as for defproc, but the default kind is "syntax".

If #:id [id id-expr] is supplied, then id is the identifier as it appears in the form-datum (to be replaced by a defining instance), and id-expr produces the identifier to be documented. This split between id and id-expr roles is useful for functional abstraction of defform.

Unless link-target?-expr is specified and produces #f, the id (or result of id-expr) is indexed, and it is also registered so that racket-typeset uses of the identifier (with the same for-label binding) are hyperlinked to this documentation. The defmodule or declare-exporting requirements, as well as the binding requirements for id (or result of id-expr), are the same as for defproc.

The decoded pre-flow documents the form. In this description, a reference to any identifier in form-datum via racket, racketblock, etc. is typeset as a sub-form non-terminal. If #:literals clause is provided, however, instances of the literal-ids are typeset normally (i.e., as determined by the enclosing context).

If a #:grammar clause is provided, it includes an auxiliary grammar of non-terminals shown with the id form. Each nonterm-id is specified as being any of the corresponding clause-datums.

If a #:contracts clause is provided, each subform-datum (typically an identifier that serves as a meta-variable in form-datum or clause-datum) is shown as producing a value that must satisfy the contract described by contract-expr-datum. Use #:contracts only to specify constraints on a value produced by an expression; for constraints on the syntax of a subform-datum, use grammar notation instead, possibly through an auxiliary grammar specified with #:grammar.

The typesetting of form-datum, clause-datum, subform-datum, and contract-expr-datum preserves the source layout, like racketblock.

@defform[(sandwich-promise sandwich-expr)
         #:contracts ([sandwich-expr sandwich?])]{
  Returns a promise to construct a sandwich. When forced, the promise
  will produce the result of @racket[sandwich-expr].
@defform[#:literals (sandwich mixins)
         (sandwich-promise* [sandwich sandwich-expr]
                            [mixins ingredient-expr ...])
         #:contracts ([sandwich-expr sandwich?]
                      [ingredient-expr ingredient?])]{
  Returns a promise to construct a sandwich. When forced, the promise
  will produce the result of @racket[sandwich-expr]. Each result of
  the @racket[ingredient-expr]s will be mixed into the resulting
@defform[(sandwich-factory maybe-name factory-component ...)
         [(maybe-name (code:line)
          (factory-component (code:line #:protein protein-expr)
                             [vegetable vegetable-expr])]]{
  Constructs a sandwich factory. If @racket[maybe-name] is provided,
  the factory will be named. Each of the @racket[factory-component]
  clauses adds an additional ingredient to the sandwich pipeline.

Renders like:


(sandwich-promise sandwich-expr)

  sandwich-expr : sandwich?
Returns a promise to construct a sandwich. When forced, the promise will produce the result of sandwich-expr.


(sandwich-promise* [sandwich sandwich-expr]
                   [mixins ingredient-expr ...])
  sandwich-expr : sandwich?
  ingredient-expr : ingredient?
Returns a promise to construct a sandwich. When forced, the promise will produce the result of sandwich-expr. Each result of the ingredient-exprs will be mixed into the resulting sandwich.


(sandwich-factory maybe-name factory-component ...)

maybe-name = 
  | name
factory-component = #:protein protein-expr
  | [vegetable vegetable-expr]
Constructs a sandwich factory. If maybe-name is provided, the factory will be named. Each of the factory-component clauses adds an additional ingredient to the sandwich pipeline.


(defform* options [form-datum ...+]
  maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Like defform, but for multiple forms using the same id.

@defform*[((call-with-current-sandwich expr)
           (call-with-current-sandwich expr sandwich-handler-expr))]{
  Runs @racket[expr] and passes it the value of the current
  sandwich. If @racket[sandwich-handler-expr] is provided, its result
  is invoked when the current sandwich is eaten.

Renders like:


(call-with-current-sandwich expr)

(call-with-current-sandwich expr sandwich-handler-expr)
Runs expr and passes it the value of the current sandwich. If sandwich-handler-expr is provided, its result is invoked when the current sandwich is eaten.


(defform/none maybe-kind maybe-literal form-datum
  maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Like defform with #:link-target? #f.


(defidform maybe-kind maybe-link id pre-flow ...)

Like defform, but with a plain id as the form.


(defidform/inline id)

(defidform/inline (unsyntax id-expr))
Like defidform, but id (or the result of id-expr, analogous to defform) is typeset as an inline element. Use this form sparingly, because the typeset form does not stand out to the reader as a specification of id.


(defsubform options form-datum
   maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
   pre-flow ...)


(defsubform* options [form-datum ...+]
  maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Like defform and defform*, but with indenting on the left for both the specification and the pre-flows.


(specform maybe-literals datum maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Like defform with #:link-target? #f, but with indenting on the left for both the specification and the pre-flows.


(specsubform maybe-literals datum maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Similar to defform with #:link-target? #f, but without the initial identifier as an implicit literal, and the table and flow are typeset indented. This form is intended for use when refining the syntax of a non-terminal used in a defform or other specsubform. For example, it is used in the documentation for defproc in the itemization of possible shapes for arg-spec.

The pre-flows list is parsed as a flow that documents the procedure. In this description, a reference to any identifier in datum is typeset as a sub-form non-terminal.


(specspecsubform maybe-literals datum maybe-grammar maybe-contracts
  pre-flow ...)
Like specsubform, but indented an extra level. Since using specsubform within the body of specsubform already nests indentation, specspecsubform is for extra indentation without nesting a description.


(defform/subs options form-datum
  ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
  pre-flow ...)


(defform*/subs options [form-datum ...+]
  ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
  pre-flow ...)


(specform/subs maybe-literals datum
  ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
  pre-flow ...)


(specsubform/subs maybe-literals datum
  ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
  pre-flow ...)


(specspecsubform/subs maybe-literals datum
 ([nonterm-id clause-datum ...+] ...)
 pre-flow ...)
Like defform, defform*, specform, specsubform, and specspecsubform, respectively, but the auxiliary grammar is mandatory and the #:grammar keyword is omitted.

@defform/subs[(sandwich-factory maybe-name factory-component ...)
              [(maybe-name (code:line)
               (factory-component (code:line #:protein protein-expr)
                                  [vegetable vegetable-expr])]]{
  Constructs a sandwich factory. If @racket[maybe-name] is provided,
  the factory will be named. Each of the @racket[factory-component]
  clauses adds an additional ingredient to the sandwich pipeline.

Renders like:


(sandwich-factory maybe-name factory-component ...)

maybe-name = 
  | name
factory-component = #:protein protein-expr
  | [vegetable vegetable-expr]
Constructs a sandwich factory. If maybe-name is provided, the factory will be named. Each of the factory-component clauses adds an additional ingredient to the sandwich pipeline.


(defparam maybe-link id arg-id
  pre-flow ...)
Like defproc, but for a parameter. The contract-expr-datum serves as both the result contract on the parameter and the contract on values supplied for the parameter. The arg-id refers to the parameter argument in the latter case.

@defparam[current-sandwich sandwich sandwich?
          #:value empty-sandwich]{
  A parameter that defines the current sandwich for operations that
  involve eating a sandwich. Default value is the empty sandwich.

Renders like:


(current-sandwich)  sandwich?

(current-sandwich sandwich)  void?
  sandwich : sandwich?
 = empty-sandwich
A parameter that defines the current sandwich for operations that involve eating a sandwich. Default value is the empty sandwich.


(defparam* maybe-link id arg-id
  in-contract-expr-datum out-contract-expr-datum
  pre-flow ...)
Like defparam, but with separate contracts for when the parameter is being set versus when it is being retrieved (for the case that a parameter guard coerces values matching a more flexible contract to a more restrictive one; current-directory is an example).


(defboolparam maybe-link id arg-id
  pre-flow ...)
Like defparam, but the contract on a parameter argument is any/c, and the contract on the parameter result is boolean?.


(defthing options id contract-expr-datum maybe-value
  pre-flow ...)
options = maybe-kind maybe-link maybe-id
maybe-kind = 
  | #:kind kind-string-expr
maybe-link = 
  | #:link-target? link-target?-expr
maybe-id = 
  | #:id id-expr
maybe-value = 
  | #:value value-expr-datum
Like defproc, but for a non-procedure binding.

If #:kind kind-string-expr is supplied, it is used in the same way as for defproc, but the default kind is "value".

If #:id id-expr is supplied, then the result of id-expr is used in place of id.

If #:value value-expr-datum is given, value-expr-datum is typeset using racketblock0 and included in the documentation. Wide values are put on a separate line.

@defthing[moldy-sandwich sandwich?]{
  Don't eat this. Provided for backwards compatibility.
@defthing[empty-sandwich sandwich? #:value (make-sandwich empty)]{
  The empty sandwich.

Renders like:

moldy-sandwich : sandwich?

Don’t eat this. Provided for backwards compatibility.

empty-sandwich : sandwich? = (make-sandwich empty)

The empty sandwich.


(defstruct* maybe-link struct-name ([field-name contract-expr-datum] ...)
  maybe-mutable maybe-non-opaque maybe-constructor
  pre-flow ...)


(defstruct maybe-link struct-name ([field-name contract-expr-datum] ...)
  maybe-mutable maybe-non-opaque maybe-constructor
  pre-flow ...)
maybe-link = 
  | #:link-target? link-target?-expr
struct-name = id
  | (id super-id)
maybe-mutable = 
  | #:mutable
maybe-non-opaque = 
  | #:prefab
  | #:transparent
  | #:inspector #f
maybe-constructor = 
  | #:constructor-name constructor-id
  | #:extra-constructor-name constructor-id
  | #:omit-constructor
Similar to defform or defproc, but for a structure definition. The defstruct* form corresponds to struct, while defstruct corresponds to define-struct.


An example using defstruct:
@defstruct[sandwich ([protein ingredient?] [sauce ingredient?])]{
  A structure type for sandwiches. Sandwiches are a pan-human foodstuff
  composed of a partially-enclosing bread material and various

Renders like:


(struct sandwich (protein sauce)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-sandwich)
  protein : ingredient?
  sauce : ingredient?
A structure type for sandwiches. Sandwiches are a pan-human foodstuff composed of a partially-enclosing bread material and various ingredients.

Additionally, an example using defstruct*:
@defstruct*[burrito ([salsa ingredient?] [tortilla ingredient?])]{
  A structure type for burritos. Burritos are a pan-human foodstuff
  composed of a @emph{fully}-encolosed bread material and various

Renders like:


(struct burrito (salsa tortilla))

  salsa : ingredient?
  tortilla : ingredient?
A structure type for burritos. Burritos are a pan-human foodstuff composed of a fully-encolosed bread material and various ingredients.


(deftogether [def-expr ...] pre-flow ...)

Combines the definitions created by the def-exprs into a single definition box. Each def-expr should produce a definition point via defproc, defform, etc. Each def-expr should have an empty pre-flow; the decoded pre-flow sequence for the deftogether form documents the collected bindings.

@deftogether[(@defthing[test-sandwich-1 sandwich?]
              @defthing[test-sandwich-2 sandwich?])]{
  Two high-quality sandwiches. These are provided for convenience
  in writing test cases

Renders like:

test-sandwich-1 : sandwich?

test-sandwich-2 : sandwich?

Two high-quality sandwiches. These are provided for convenience in writing test cases


(racketgrammar maybe-literals id clause-datum ...+)

maybe-literals = 
  | #:literals (literal-id ...)
Creates a table to define the grammar of id. Each identifier mentioned in a clause-datum is typeset as a non-terminal, except for the identifiers listed as literal-ids, which are typeset as with racket.


(racketgrammar* maybe-literals [id clause-datum ...+] ...)

Like racketgrammar, but for typesetting multiple productions at once, aligned around the = and |.


(defidentifier id    
  [#:form? form?    
  #:index? index?    
  #:show-libs? show-libs?])  element?
  id : identifier?
  form? : boolean? = #f
  index? : boolean? = #t
  show-libs? : boolean? = #t
Typesets id as a Racket identifier, and also establishes the identifier as the definition of a binding in the same way as defproc, defform, etc. As always, the library that provides the identifier must be declared via defmodule or declare-exporting for an enclosing section.

If form? is a true value, then the identifier is documented as a syntactic form, so that uses of the identifier (normally including id itself) are typeset as a syntactic form.

If index? is a true value, then the identifier is registered in the index.

If show-libs? is a true value, then the identifier’s defining module may be exposed in the typeset form (e.g., when viewing HTML and the mouse hovers over the identifier).


(schemegrammar maybe-literals id clause-datum ...+)


(schemegrammar* maybe-literals [id clause-datum ...+] ...)

Compatibility aliases for racketgrammar and racketgrammar*.

Specifies the target maximum width in characters for the output of defproc and defstruct.